>Nursing homework help

 Convert this references in APA format 7th edition.


Bach, M. P., Jaklič, J., & Vugec, D. S. (2018). Understanding impact of business intelligence on organizational performance using cluster analysis: does culture matter. Decision-making to switch your ERP system: Japanese empirical evidence.

Bouaoula, W., Belgoum, F., Shaikh, A., Taleb-Berrouane, M., & Bazan, C. (2019). The impact of business intelligence through knowledge management. Business Information Review36(3), 130-140.

Institute for Behavior and Health (2021). Drug legalizationhttps://www.ibhinc.org/drug-legalization

Mechcatie, E. (2018). The impact of legalization of medical and recreational MarijuanaMarijuana. AJN The American Journal of Nursing118(7), 16.

Pacula, R. L., & Smart, R. (2017). Medical Marijuana and marijuana legalization. Annual review of clinical psychology13, 397-419.

Yu, B., Chen, X., Chen, X., & Yan, H. (2020). Marijuana legalization and historical trends in marijuana use among US residents aged 12–25: results from the 1979–2016 National Survey on drug use and health. BMC public health20(1), 156.

>Criminal homework help

 summarize the depicted event in your words (what happened?) identify why you think the behavior was a result of police cultural influence – training, perception, fear, peer pressure, etc. compare and contrast event you selected in the film to any recent contemporary police event of behavioral significance in the united states (ferguson, mo, philadelphia, pa, or any other high profile police event). identify the event and why you think it relates to a similar cultural basis

Answer all these questions I need it done ASAP. Unfortunately, My paper was plagiarized and my question where not answered.  If you do not attend to watch the movie or know about this movie please skip its about the movie law and order in 1969

>Sociology homework help

 In Chapter 3 of your textbook, various methodological techniques for studying the social world are discussed. A key aspect of sociological research is utilizing the power of observation. Applying what you have learned about sociological research: First, discuss the role of observational research as a key methodology for studying society. Second, utilizing nonparticipant observation, participant observation, ethnography or netnography observe and record a detailed account of a social context or virtual social context that you are no stranger to (think local coffee shop, shopping mall, church or night club, a blog, twitter feed, or Instagram) from a sociological perspective. Be careful to be objective and ethically neutral. Do not include judgments or opinions of behaviors but rather, as best as possible, systematic observations. Third, discuss how a common-sense view of that social setting may look different from a sociological one. Does looking through the lens of sociological research methodology transform how that social space may be viewed. Substantiate your views. Fourth and finally, post a response to another classmate’s posting discussing your thoughts in a respectful and thoughtful manner. What stood out to you about their observations and the behaviors occurring?

>Nursing homework help

This is a graded discussion: 50 points possible

due Mar 3

Week 1: National Practice Problem Exploration

Evidence translation begins with the identification of a problem or concern. Reflect upon the eight national practice problems presented in the Global Burden of Disease Research. Select one of the practice problems to address the following.

· From a global/nationwide perspective, how does the selected practice problem impact nurses, nursing care, healthcare organizations, and the quality of care being provided?

· Identify the national level key stakeholders who are affected by the practice problem and stakeholders involved in resolution.

· Are clinical practice guidelines used to address this problem? Why or why not? If used, provide a brief overview of the CPGIf a CPG is not used, propose an intervention that could be implemented on a national scale to address the problem.

Please review the Graduate Discussion Grading Guidelines and Rubric  (Links to an external site.)for complete discussion requirements.

*USE 3 scholarly sources not older than 5 years old, USE APA format 6 edition , write all intext citations 

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>Accounting homework help

Nordstrom Case Study Analysis

Nordstrom—“High Touch” with “High Tech”

How does Nordstrom stay profitable despite dips in consumer spending, changing fashion trends, and intense competition among retailers? One answer: Acute attention to detail and well-laid plans.

All in the Family

The fourth generation of family members that runs Nordstrom has brought the store’s time-honored and successful retail practices into a new era. “Nordstrom, it seems, is that rarity in American business: an enterprise run by a founding family that hasn’t wrecked it,” says one business writer. The company provides a quality customer experience via personalized service, a compelling merchandise offering, a pleasant shopping environment, and increasingly better management of its inventory.

Secret of Success

The secret of this company’s success lies in its strategic planning efforts and the ability of its management team to set broad, comprehensive, and longer-term action directions, all of which are focused on the customer experience. The current generation of Nordstrom family members was quick to spearhead an ultramodern multimillion-dollar, Web-based inventory management system. This upgrade helped the company meet two key goals: (1) correlate purchasing with demand to keep inventory as lean as possible, and (2) give customers and sales associates a comprehensive view of Nordstrom’s entire inventory, including every store and warehouse.

Demand Planning

Instead of relying on one-day sales, coupon blitzes, or marking down entire lines of product, Nordstrom discounts only certain items. “Markdown optimization” software assists in planning more profitable sale prices. According to retail analyst, Patricia Edwards, this helps Nordstrom calculate what will sell better at different discounts and forecast which single items should be marked down. If a style is no longer in demand, the company can ship it off to its Nordstrom Rack outlet stores. It’s all part of Nordstrom’s long-term investment in efficiency. “If we can identify what is not performing and move it out to bring in fresh merchandise,” says Pete Nordstrom, “that’s a decision we want to make.”

Inventory Planning

Although inventory naturally fluctuates, Nordstrom associates can easily locate any item in another store or verify when it will return to stock. Customers on their smart phones and associates behind sales counters see the same thing—the entire inventory of Nordstrom’s stores is presented as one selection, which the company refers to as perpetual inventory. “Customer service is not just a friendly, helpful, knowledgeable salesperson helping you buy something,” says Robert Spector, retail expert and author of The Nordstrom Way. “Part of customer service is having the right item at the right size at the right price at the right time. And that’s something perpetual inventory will help with.”

The upgraded inventory management system was an immediate hit. As of launch day, Nordstrom found that the percentage of customers who purchased products after searching the website for an item doubled. It also learned that multi-channel customers—those who shop from Nordstrom in more than one way—spend on average four times more than one-source customers. This profit more than offsets the cost of hiring additional shipping employees to wrap and mail items from each store. Now Nordstrom doesn’t have to turn away the customer who spied a red Marc Jacobs handbag but found it out of stock in her local store. She can buy it online or at the store counter and it will be shipped to her, even from a store located across the country.

Keeping It Lean

By displaying stock both on its website and in its stores, Nordstrom has realized some very meaningful sales and customer service results. Items don’t stay in stock very long. The chain turns inventory about twice as fast as its competitors, thanks to strong help from online sales.

Fast-turning inventories are a sign a retailer is well managed, making it more attractive to investors. “The old, classic Nordstrom way is that if you sell more stuff, that compensates for any deficiency you may have in terms of technology,” says Robert Spector. “They didn’t want to replace the high touch with the high-tech. The challenge, not only for Nordstrom, but for other retailers, is how you strike that balance between having up-to-date systems and giving that personal service.” “Traditional retailers have traditional ways of doing things,” echoes Adrianne Shapira, Goldman Sachs retail analyst, “and sometimes those barriers are hard to break down.” But Nordstrom’s commitments to planning are paying dividends.

Source: Schermerhorn Jr., J.R., Bachrach, D.G. (2016) Nordstrom—“High Touch” with “High Tech”. In Exploring Management (Cases for Critical Thinking).

Case Analysis Questions

Answer the following in up to 350 words each.

1. Determine the specific planning objectives and measures Nordstrom could use to assess the success of its Web-based inventory integration.

Click here to enter text.

2. Explain how Nordstrom could make use of participatory planning for continuous improvements in areas such as product purchasing, floor displays, and sales associates’ job satisfaction.

Click here to enter text.

3. Nordstrom wants to grow in a number of different areas. Research one of its strategies and project it into the future.

Click here to enter text.

4. Refer back to one of Nordstrom’s strategies for growth. What changes, revisions, or updates would you plan for the company? What stretch goals come to mind?

Click here to enter text.

Social Science homework help

Professional EthicsApplication of ethical decision-making model

Rationale: The Code of Ethics is integral to social work practice. In this assignment, students will learn an ethical decision- making model and apply it to two decision cases—one case at the micro level and one at the mezzo/macro level.

Instructions: Students will have read the Dolgoff, et. al. “ethical decision-making” chapter and the NASW Code of Ethics before attempting the assignment.

Students will read two decision cases and then perform ‘the ethics work-up’ presented in the chapter, using the Code. One of these will be guided in the class material, but the other will be for students to do independently. The product will be a worksheet (see appendix) for each case, (the one that is guided, and the one done independently) discussing the steps taken in the ‘ethics work-up’.


  • Students will demonstrate application of the Ethical Decision Making Model.
  • Students will apply the model to cases involving complex decisions about multiple realms of social work practice.


  1. Read the article, and the two cases.
  2. Watch the PPT regarding “Whose Side Are You On Anyway?”
  3. Complete the worksheet about “Whose Side Are You On Anyway?”
  4. Study “Private Charity” and complete the worksheet.
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Education homework help




This assignment is an essay that brings all of the knowledge and skills developed in this course to bear on a single ethical issue. Each student will write an 1800-2000 word essay (not including footnotes, the title page, table of contents, and bibliography) that combines the insights and arguments of the second and third discussion boards into a single carefully-articulated work. Format should be 12pt, Times New Roman font and in Turabian format.



Begin your paper with a brief introductory paragraph that clearly states your goals, thesis, and method. State what metaethical theory you are contrasting to a Christian ethic, the issue in applied ethics you are addressing, the conclusion(s) on that issue that you want to defend.

Next, provide a lengthy and detailed comparative analysis of the two metaethical theories—Christian ethics and another theory—showing which theory is stronger. This will likely reflect what you argued for in your Discussion Board 2 thread and the feedback that you received from the professor and/or classmates who responded to your thread. Here you can go into much more detail than you could in the Discussion Board, which was limited to 600 words. If you use half of your paper on this section, then it will be roughly three to four pages.

Next, proceed to the applied ethics issue that you discussed in your Discussion Board 3 thread. Here you should greatly expand upon your argument. Add detail, nuance, and argumentation, providing a fairly complete and comprehensive argument for how a Christian ethic would approach this issue. Or, if you defended an alternate theory in DB 2, formulate an application based on that theory. You may illustrate the issue with real-life examples, but please do not fill your paper with anecdotes. You should anticipate possible objections to your approach to the issue and respond to them in an objective and informed manner. (For ideas on how others might object to your approach, a good place to begin would be your classmate’s reply to your DB3 thread, but you need not stop there. Your own imagination and the many books and articles that have been published on issues in applied ethics can provide a wealth of possible arguments relevant to every issue.) You are encouraged to use quotes from sources as a way to support your arguments, but quotes should not make up more than one and a half pages of your essay.

Your final paragraph should reflect what you have argued in your thesis. It should recap what you have accomplished and how you have accomplished it.



This paper is not required to utilize any sources outside of those that were used in the class (the two textbooks, the videos, and the PointCast presentations), but use of additional resources is permitted and encouraged. At the minimum the paper should utilize the resources from the class. All resources used must be listed in the bibliography and any resources quoted, paraphrased, or alluded to must be documented via footnotes formatted according to Turabian. Sources such as Wikipedia and online dictionaries do not count as academic sources and should not be used. Biblical references are encouraged, but will not count as an academic source.


Remember, your footnotes and bibliography (if you had one) do not count toward the 2000 word limit. You will be penalized if you exceed the limit, so please do not.



Your paper must begin with a title page that includes a paper title, your name, the date, and the course name and number. The second page of your paper must be a table of contents. The last page of your paper must be devoted to your bibliography. The paper must utilize 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with one inch margins. It must be double-spaced rather than triple-spaced between paragraphs and there should be only one space after the end of each sentence.


Any documentation in the body of your paper must be done via footnotes formatted according to Turabian. If you are not familiar with how to do this, simply look it up online. There are many websites that explain Turabian formatting. Footnotes should be single-spaced 10 point Times New Roman font.


Your paper must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document. If you submit it as a .pdf or anything other than a Microsoft Word document it will not be graded.


Format Example

Title Page

Table of Contents

Body of Paper:

• Introduction

• Metaethic

• Application

• Conclusion




Proofread your work before handing it in! Errors of spelling, grammar, syntax, and punctuation will affect your grade. This is a university-level writing assignment. Please write accordingly.


The deadline for this assignment is 11:59pm on Monday of Module 7. Submit your finished paper via the SafeAssign link on Blackboard. SafeAssign is a program that checks your work for plagiarism. Plagiarism is immoral, unchristian, and will not be tolerated. The consequences for plagiarism are significant and SafeAssign makes it easy to detect. If you are not sure what plagiarism is, it is your responsibility to find out. Ignorance is no excuse. Do not plagiarize!


This assignment contributes to achieving and assessing the achievement of all four of the Course Learning Outcomes.


>Nursing homework help

This is a graded discussion: 50 points possible

due Mar 7

Week 2: Local Practice Problem Exploration

Reflect upon the selected national practice problem in Week 1 to address the following.

• From a local perspective, how does the practice problem impact nurses, nursing care, healthcare organizations, and the quality of care being provided?

• Identify the local key stakeholders related to the selected practice problem.

• Describe one approach used at your unique setting to address this problem. From your perspective, is this intervention effective in addressing the problem? Why or why not? If this practice problem is not addressed at your workplace, propose an intervention that could be implemented on a local scale to address the problem.

Please review the Graduate Discussion Grading Guidelines and Rubric (Links to an external site.) for complete discussion requirements.

NEED at least 3 scholarly sources not older than 5 years and APA format 6 edition with in-text citation

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>Biology homework help

7 Eukaryotic Cell Structure


Cells come in all different sizes and shapes. They are classified into two major groups based on structure. Prokaryotic cells are much smaller and do not contain any membrane-bound organelle. Eukaryotic cells are larger and contain numerous membrane-bound organelles. Prokaryotic cells will be examined in the laboratory exercise that will survey the diversity of life on earth. This laboratory exercise will focus on the structure of the two most common types of eukaryotic cells: plant and animal cells.

To appreciate the cell in action, watch The Inner Life of the Cellby BioVisions at Harvard University (3 min 12 sec). This video  shows movement of organelles and substances inside your cells in real time.


  • Prepare wet mounts of plant and animal cells for microscope observation.
  • Use the light microscope to compare and contrast the structure of plant vs. animal cells.

Materials (demonstrated in video)

  • Microscope
  • Microscope slides  and cover slips
  • Toothpick
  • Water (or 0.9% sodium chloride solution)
  • Medicine dropper
  • Methylene blue (or iodine) stain
  • Elodea plant
  • Cheek cells
  • Online: Virtual microscope with plant slide

Procedure for plant cell

  1. View how to prepare a wet mount of an Elodealeaf (2 min 30 sec) OR
  2. how to prepare a wet mount https://youtu.be/UWbGZMO4o_U(2 min 30 sec)

To create a wet mount of an Elodea leaf, this general procedure was followed.

  1. Put a drop of water on the center of a slide.
  2. Cut an extremely small piece of an Elodea leaf and place it on the water.
  3. Place a coverslip onto the slide.
  4. Observe the plant cell slide under the virtual microscope by following this procedure.
    1. Go to the virtual microscope.
    2. Click Launch and then Explore
    3. Click the “?” in the microscope slide box
    4. In the slide catalogue, select “Plant Slides”.
    5. Inside, select “Plant Cells.” The virtual microscope loads the Plant cell slide at the center of the stage. You will see a blurry green field of view.
    6. Click “10X” (low power objective lens). Watch as the nosepiece moves until the low power objective lens clicks in. Use your mouse to adjust the Coarse Focusuntil the image is in focus. Fine tune it using the Fine Focus. Slowly slide the Light Adjust to the right to obtain optimum brightness. Click on the field of view to move the plant side. Draw the image of plant cells in the field of view for low power.
    7. Click “40X” (high power objective lens). This time, only adjust the Fine Focus & Light Adjust to obtain the clearest image with optimum light. Moving the Coarse Focus will endanger the lens & slide and make you lose your focus.
    8. Draw the image in the field of view for high power.

Drawing of plant cells: label cell and observed organelles. 

Procedure for animal cell

  1. View Cheek Epithelial Cells (3 min 52 sec) to observe how to prepare a wet mount of human cheek cell and view images of the cheek cells under low & high power magnification.

To create a wet mount of cheek cells, this general procedure was followed.

  1. Put a drop of methylene blue on a slide. Caution: methylene blue stains clothes and skin.
  2. Gently scrape the inside of your cheek with the flat side of a toothpick.
  3. Stir the end of the toothpick in the stain and then throw the toothpick away.
  4. Place a coverslip onto the slide by lowering it at a 45 degree angle to prevent formation of air bubbles.
  5. Draw the cheek cell images under low & high power magnification as seen in the video.


  1. Stains may be used but not all organelles are seen, why?
  2. Describe the shape of the plant cell. List the organelles that were visible.
  3. Describe the shape of the human cell. What organelles of the cell were visible?
  4. Describe visible similarities and differences between plant and animal cells.
  5. What observations support the claim that plant and animal cells are eukaryotic?