Computer Science

Split your previous lab assignment into two cpp files: one should have the main function, and the other should have two other functions.

Write a function that accepts two integers as input arguments and return their sum. Call this function from main( ) and call another function from main( ) that prints the result (sum). Thus, you need two separate functions besides main( ).

using namespace std;

int add(int, int);

void result(int);

int main()
int num1,num2,sum;

cout<<“Enter your two favorite numbers:”<<>




return 0;

int add(int x,int y) // add the two numbers you picked
int z;// z is where it’s stored


return(z); // z is the return function

void result(int a) // results

cout<< “The sum of your two favorite numbers is ” <<>



Congratulations. You are a finalist in for a data analyst position for a Major League Baseball (MLB) team. As you prepare for the final round of interviews, you’ve been asked to use the above data set to create a series of analytics / dashboards to help show how well the team is doing in two important KPIs: home-game attendance and salaries.
Team Information:

Within the MLB, the Chicago White Sox are in the:
League = American League
Division = Central (C) Division
The intended audience for this dashboard is the Director of Analytics.
Limitations: Clearly this project is limited in terms of scope of data. In the real world setting there would be ticket sales, customer demographic information, television viewership ratings, social media mentions / hits, and a whole host of additional data to churn through. But (realistically) like any project, it’s good to start with a piece of the puzzle at a time, and in sequence. So consider this an initial step in what could be a much larger project.
Two files are needed for this submission: Your Power BI dashboard file and the answers to the questions below (in a Word document).
Broadly speaking this project’s learning outcomes include:

  • Assigning KPIs
  • Trend analysis
  • Comparative analysis
  • Creating columns and measures
  • Creating relationships between multiple data sources
  • Creating the best visualization to appropriately show the data

Hint: Use the TeamsMostRecent table as your centralized table that all others are related to (connected with). But only connect Salaries to Team_Statistics and Team_Statistics to TeamsMostRecent as you don’t want to have unnecessary relationships that will cause a circular logic in your design.

Hint2: you will need to create a new column to join the Salaries and Team_statistics tables together. What 2 (or more fields) create a unique identifier for each individual row that exists in both of these tables? You will need to use this field to join these tables together.

Additional Requirements:

  • As in other assignments, make sure each visualization has a name and that I can quickly associate it with the question.

  • Make sure each visualization has the appropriate data labels showing (the only case where this should be ignored is where the visualization itself would be over-crowded with numbers, but Power BI is different than Excel in that it can format the labels in better ways).

  • Whenever a question says “the most appropriate visualization” typically this is not a table or matrix (unless the question says otherwise or there’s a good reason to break this “rule”).

Analytics portion:

  1. Get a sense of the data to start. Create a matrix that has every ball club, each year (2006-2014) and total games played. This will allow you to see if there are any significant gaps in the data. Are there? Explain. — 10 pts
  2. a. Choose the most appropriate visualization to show the total attendance for the team from 2006 – 2014. What’s their trend? b. Choose the most appropriate visualization to show the total attendance for each year and each club in their division for 2006 – 2014. What is the trend for the team and how do they compare with other teams? c. Choose the most appropriate visualization to show how the team’s attendance average (combined for all years, 06-14) compares with the attendance average of all other teams in the League. Sort by average attendance in descending order (Most to Least). How are they ranked? Overall is their attendance numbers considered “good” or “bad”? How do you know? — 15 pts
  3. Plot all stadium addresses on a map. Include the club names in the legend. Include in the plot the average attendance (for the size of the circles). How does the team compare with other clubs in the region? Between the visualizations you created in problems 2 and 3, which do you think best tells the “attendance” story and why? — 15 pts
  4. a. Create a visualization to show the total salary for every ball club in 2013. (2014 salary information is incomplete for some clubs.) Who are the top 5 ball clubs that have the highest salary? Who has the least? Where does the team reside in the salary “rankings”? Highlight where they rank (you do not need to create a function to calculate rank specifically). b. Create a visualization to show what the Team salary has been like for the last 5 years. What is the trend? c. Again for 2013, show the number of wins per ball club, highlight where the Team ranks. Create a measure that calculates Salaries by Wins to measure how much each win “costs” based on the player salary (total salary / total wins). Where does the team rank? Describe your findings. — 15 pts
  5. a.Select the best visualization type to show the average salary by every ball club in 2013. Which club has the highest average salary? The Lowest? Where does the team sit? b. Create a slicer by ball club name and create an additional visualization that lists out all ball players and total salary. Filter on the team. And sort by salary in descending order (highest to lowest). Who were the top 5 players by salary in 2013? What was the most common amount (mode) paid to the players (this can be “eye-balled” and doesn’t need to be calculated) ? — 15 pts
  6. Create your own visualization here that does not repeat one of the above questions. And describe what you are showing, the question being addressed and the results of the analysis. Make this visualization complicated. It should be more than showing number of wins or total salary. You have multiple measures in the data set, make the visualization have some depth and detail. — 15 pts

print “”{“” (5) “”}

Complete the CGI script (by filling in the five blanks) which produces in JSONformat data on all the

executablefiles that are in the Unix directory provided as a URL parameter. NR: line number

NF: number of fields in a record Example JSON string:

















File 1: ls2json.cgi


echo Content-Type: application/json; echo directory=”$QUERY_STRING”

( echo “permissions links user group size date time time_offset file_name” ; ( ls -l –full-time $directory

| awk ’ (1) {print (2) }’ ) ) | ./txt2json

File 2: txt2json

#!/bin/sh awk ’NR==1 {

print “[“

for (i=1;i<=NF; i++) name[i]=$i; n=NF


} NF>=n {

for ( (3) )

$i=””” name[i] (4) $i “”””


CRITICAL PERSPECTIVE In his essay “The Negro Artist and the Racial Mountain” (p. 929), Hughes asserts his respect for the “common people,” those he admires for their lack of self-importance: But then there are the low-down folks, the so-called common element, and they are the majority-may the Lord be praised! The people who have their nip of gin on Saturday nights are not too important to themselves or the community, or too well fed, or too learned to watch the lazy world go round. They live on Seventh Street in Washington or State Street in Chicago and they do not particularly care whether they are like white folks or anybody else …. They furnish a wealth of colorful, distinctive material for any artist because they still hold their own individuality in the face of American standardizations.

How does Hughes depict the “common people” in his poetry? What are their concerns? How have America&#39;s “standardizations” attempted to shape and change the common people, and what has been the result of those attempts?


1.You’re writing a report for the director of human resources onimplementing team-based management throughout your company. Youwant to emphasize that since the new approaches were implemented sixmonths ago, absenteeism and turnover have been sharply reduced in allbut two departments. How do you visually present your data in themost favorable light while maintaining honest communication? Explain.[LO-1]Hello

For this assignment, let’s work on Apply Your Knowledge #9-13.

There are two parts. First, think about what you would use to present this information. In other words, would you present the information in a narrative, a chart, a picture, something else? Then, tell me why you believe your selection is the BEST choice for the information you are presenting. Remember, you need the presentation to be honest but also presented in a favorable light. Be specific.


A researcher estimates the following wage equation for underwater construction workers: A researcher estimates the following wage equation for underwater construction workers: i = 10 +.5D,...-1i = 10 +.5D, whereA researcher estimates the following wage equation for underwater construction workers: i = 10 +.5D,...-2 = the wage in dollars per hour and A researcher estimates the following wage equation for underwater construction workers: i = 10 +.5D,...-3= the depth underwater at which workers work, in meters. Based on this information, draw the offer curve and possible indifference curves for workers A and B: A works at a depth of 3 meters, and B works at 5 meters. At their current wages and depths, what is the trade-off (keeping utility constant) between hourly wages and a 1-meter change in depth that each worker is willing to make? Which worker has a greater willingness to pay for reduced depth at 3 meters of depth?