Business & Finance

Full question on the essay

Provide a synopsis of one of the following aviation cases discussed during our class: IFO 21/Ron Brown; Massachusetts State Police Helicopter; Eagle Lake, TX; JFK Jr; American 965; UPS 1354; Eastern 401. Include the location/date, situation, background, causal factors, regulatory changes that resulted (as applicable), how pilot/crew/ leader actions reflected ethical decision making, and what you learned personally as a result of studying the case.


Grammar and Spelling commensurate with University-level work

Synopsis easy to follow and includes accurate and full case details 

Synopsis includes example(s) related to ethical decision making

Synopsis includes summary of what the student learned personally, reflects case understanding

Article Writing

You will prepare and submit a term paper on The Importance of Understanding the Sociological Perspectives of Religion. Your paper should be a minimum of 250 words in length. Essay 1. Explain why it is important to understand the sociological perspectives of religion. What are the commonalities between all major faiths? How does religion encourage cohesion?

It is important to understand the sociological perspectives of religion because it helps in defining and understanding the role and function of religion in the society. Sociological perspectives of religion, aid people in interpreting the various issues that relate to religion, hence the importance of sociological perspectives (Wilcox 24). It is also important to understand sociological perspectives of religion in the sense that it provides a basis of defining influence of religion in peoples lives and the interpretation of symbols used by various outfits (Eshleman et al. 37).

All major faiths exhibit certain commonalities that cut across the board. For instance, all major faiths have a community of believers who subscribe to the beliefs and teachings of the particular outfit. Moreover, all the major faiths have a supernatural authority to whom they owe allegiance in this case God. It is also important to note that all major faiths have some level of influence in the society to the extent that they shape the behavior and understanding of individuals about certain aspects of life.

The basis of every religion is to promote fundamental moral standards in the society. Religion promotes and reaffirms the significance of values in the society. Consequently, religion encourages individuals to engage positively in every dimension of life as a consequence of ensuring harmony and peaceful coexistence in the society. Essentially, religion creates bonds between different people and groups in the society to help deal with conflicts and inherent disagreements in the society (Furseth and Pål 151).

Essay 2

2. How do politics and political affiliations affect society?

The extent to which politics and political affiliations affect the society cannot be overemphasized. Political decisions are a major source of impact to the society to the extent that what is decided on the basis of politics affects relationships and structures of the society. Political parties in a given society have different ideologies and manifestos that are presented to the public for a public vote. The idea of presenting a particular ideology to sections of the society is make them agree or oppose a particular move emanating from a different group. Governments are political outfits elected by the people through a popular initiative. The government, therefore, has a mandate and authority to promote and safeguard the interest of the people (Huntington 64).

The laws that are initiated by the government regulate and govern relationships and value systems to a greater extent. For instance, in some areas such as the Middle East, there is a particular way of dressing and the relationships between people or groups are governed by the norms instituted by the state. The social fabric of the society is determined by the behavior of political players (Huntington 64). Moreover, politics can cause tension and conflicts in the society. Case in point is that when political outfits disagree on certain fundamental issues, the misunderstanding spill to the public, thus generating conflicts in the society.

Political affiliations affect the society in the sense that when individuals subscribe to a given ideology or agenda furthered by a particular party or group, it breaks the bond that hold the society together (Morgan and Suzanne 312). For instance, when social democracy clashes with capitalistic tendencies, the society is left in disharmony. Consequently, political affiliations aid in meeting the demands of the people. For example, political affiliations act as the voices of the people in different spheres of the society either economically or socially.

Works Cited

Eshleman, J R, Barbara G. Cashion, and Laurence A. Basirico. Understanding Sociology. Redding, Calif: Horizon Textbook Pub, 2005. Print.

Furseth, Inger, and Pål Repstad. An Introduction to the Sociology of Religion: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives. Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2007. Internet resource.

Huntington, Samuel P. Political Order in Changing Societies. New Haven, Conn: Yale University Press, 2008. Print.

Morgan, Leslie A, and Suzanne R. Kunkel. Aging, Society, and the Life Course. New York: Springer Pub. Co, 2007. Internet resource.

Wilcox, Melissa M. Religion in Todays World: Global Issues, Sociological Perspectives. New York: Routledge, 2013. Print.

Social Science

ntroduction to Theology

Question one

 In Fischer and Hart Chapter 8, you read the stories of four amazing Christian disciples.  Pick one of the four and describe in what ways that person’s life stands in contrast to our current culture’s dominant images of human fulfillment and happiness?  How does that life speak to your own goals for happiness and fulfillment?

Length one page


I attached the files.


Write a 5-page research proposal discussing the correlation between how childhood trauma affects mental health. The paper must be in APA Style, and use 5 references. Also, it must include an abstract that is not included in the page count.


I have this project that I have to do and my teacher wants us to do this in xcell or whatever the green one on office 365 is called anyway I have to turn this in on thursday and I have no idea where to start my teacher said it’s worth 500 points and it will take us down three letter grades I cannot afford for that to happen so please help me out or tell me where to at least start

Article Writing

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Power, Spectacle, and Memory. It needs to be at least 3000 words. The Sina Weibo case in China is just one example of how popular social media celebrities exert influence on their followers and how this can have a detrimental impact on the government in terms of policy changes. Charles Xue more commonly known by his Sina Weibo screen name Xue Manzi confessed to having made mistakes pertaining to his online posts on the social network (Zhai 2013, n.pag.). Xue confessed to his crimes as a microblogger on Sina Weibo where he presumably spread rumors (Custer 2013, n.pag.).

A charge was filed against Xue along with other microbloggers. However, Xue has set himself apart and is acting as an example to admit to his blogging crimes thereby helping the government to regulate the internet. At first, this might seem quite trivial however the impact of social networks on a country’s interest and government policies cannot be undermined. According to Shirky, the internet and social media are a place of varied players including citizens, activists, NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations), telecom companies, software houses, governments, and so on (2011, 1). The presence of various actors on the internet and social media has raised concerns regarding its ability to influence a particular country’s interests and government policies.

The social network Sina Weibo is extremely popular in China is known as “China’s Twitter” (“China’s Memory Hole” 2013, n.pag.). Xue has been known in the Weibo-sphere as a supporter of positive social causes including anti-kidnapping campaigns, clean water campaigns, etc, and has been known for his involvement in good causes as he spoke of the social media’s power to do good. However, his actions and confession send out a completely opposite message to his millions of fans and followers and Xue now seems to be remorseful. He hopes to set an example by admitting his online crimes and helping the government to regulate the content on the internet. Much of the concern regarding the regulation of the internet in particular social websites like Sina Weibo arises from the fact that pressure fuelled up by public opinion communicated over Weibo resulted in a change in government policy regarding air pollution.

Article Writing

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on Ground Water. It needs to be at least 1000 words. Groundwater can lead to the formation of wetlands or oases.

There are ways in which ground water can be extracted from the earth’s surface for a score of uses. It can be used for home purposes, industrial usage, in addition to agricultural use for activities like irrigation. This can be possible by the construction of extraction wells that draws water underneath the surface of the earth. Ground water has been distributed differently under the surface of the earth. In addition, underground water undergoes movement under the earth’s ground. Study of ground water motions, plus distribution is known as hydrogeology. It is also called groundwater hydrology. Groundwater can also include soil moisture, immobile water that is found in bedrocks that have very low permeability, and oil formation water that is found very deep in the earth’s surface. Groundwater is thought to act as lubricants that cause movement of faults.

The points under the surface of the earth where groundwater originates are identified as aquifers. An aquifer has layers of porous materials that contain and transmit water. When the aquifer is not confined, water can move freely between the earth’s surface and the saturated zone of an aquifer. Since gravity causes water to move downwards, deeper zones of the aquifer are further saturated as compared to the upper parts. Water table refers to the upper zone of the saturated layer of an unconfined aquifer. Below the water table, all spore spaces are saturated with water. This zone is known as the phreatic zone. There is a substrate that slight porosity and allows little transmission of groundwater. This substrate is called an aquitard. Aquifers have diverse features depending on the geology, and the structure of the substrate as well as the topography in which they happen. Aquifers that contain a high amount of water are situated in sedimentary geologic formations.

Article Writing

Your assignment is to prepare and submit a paper on the importance of organization development. For many years now organizations have mainly based on the job will be done but not how it will be done as a result there would be a very good progress inside the organization, however the organization strands high chances of being interfered politically . on the other hand several organizations have always been on the outlook of award single efforts made by an individual rather than rewarding the entire staff and the employees so that they can be united and motivated , this enhances teamwork in the organization. Basically for any manager to come out successful with the organization he or she should change and start treating workers or the employees in a very respective way and as a result, the employees will also handle customers in a very good way, these changes will eventually result into the positive growth of the company. Employees change on how they treat customers is an external change and for it to materialize there should be a change internally (Reese, 1995).

On the other hand, the change in performance in management model provides a clear balance on how this should be done and how they should be done3 in order to improve the workers performance ideally this practice has been successful in dealing with the management in terms of the operatic side of the business with the aim of getting maximum results. However, organization development is normally driven by the need for effective change in the organization but this change has to begin with a change of individuals within the organization. The problem-solving model should always be put into consideration and it should also focus on the future. Change in the entire organization is meant to bring out a difference both internally and externally. Internally change must start from the management staff, meaning that the managers should come up with appropriate ways of dealing with the employees in the organization. Generally, managers should lead by example which is about the creation of a very calm and conducive environment for both the employees and the customers, this will allow the organization to grow and reach its mission and vision.