Health Medical Homework Help

NRIMS Change Issue Multifactor Biometrics to Identify Patients Bibliography


Choose only one topic and focus on that only please..

An annotated bibliography is a list of resources you anticipate using to support your argument. Developing an annotated bibliography will help you organize your research. To create a purposeful annotated bibliography, the following information should be included: the specific citation, a brief summary or paragraph about the article, and how it pertains to your research question.

Assignment Details

This is a 3-step project:

  1. Identify a change. 
  2. Find 6 articles. 
  3. Write an annotated bibliography for each article.

Please read the detailed instructions below carefully.

Step 1: Write 3–4 sentences answering the following questions:

  • Identify and describe a recent change that occurred in your workplace. It could be a change in the levels of staffing; a change in policy, such as time off or tuition reimbursement; a change in use of equipment or supplies; a change in charting or computerized medical records; and so on. 
    • Describe the change in 3-4 sentences. 
    • 1 of the sentences should address the rationale for the change. 

Step 2: Begin researching scholarly articles from the library from the past 5 years that are related to the change issue identified in Step 1.

  • Complete a 6-column table of the references you found, including the following: 
    • Author(s) last name, first initial. 
    • (Year). 
    • Title of article. 
    • Title of Publication
    • Volume #(Issue #), 
    • Pages of the article.

Step 3: This step requires the development of an annotated bibliography for each of the 6 articles listed in Step 2. This step should be 6 paragraphs total (1 for each article that is summarized and analyzed) and approximately 450–700 words in 2–3 double-spaced pages.

Consider the following:

  • Summarize the main points for each of the 6 references (must be from within the last 5 years) from Step 2, each in its own paragraph. 
  • Use the MEAL method of writing, where each paragraph contains a minimum of 4 sentences: 
    • M = Main point 
    • E = Example and/or Evidence (citation) 
    • A = Analysis—refers to what was significant about the article and how the article was related to the change topic you selected. 
      • Be sure to include at least 1 analysis sentence about each reference in that paragraph. 
    • L = Link or transition to the main topic