Course Paper Assignment: 30% of course grade, Final Paper due in Week 11 Proposal Due: April 22, (1 page) – Description of proposed project (abstract), Proposed Case Studies (3 to start), Bibliography with at least 3 sources Final Paper Due: May 19, Week 11 Course Analytical Paper – Assignment In this paper you will provide a rigorous and thoughtful analysis on your chosen theme, to include an analysis of one case study project or several projects, as a comparative analysis. The paper must include a clear and concise Thesis Statement, shown in “bold” at the end of the introductory paragraph. Please use proper paragraph form, beginning each paragraph with a Topic Sentence and ending with a Concluding Sentence. Keep your paragraphs approximately the same length, throughout. Use our course readings, along with 10 or more sources, to help you construct arguments. Cite using proper APA form, when using text from sources. The goal of your paper is to prove (or disprove) the Thesis Statement. Writing a detailed outline is highly recommended. Include the following: 1. Title Page – Include a unique title for your paper topic, your name, my name, course name/number, and the quarter: “Spring 2020” You may also include an image or multiple images on the cover. 2. Final Paper (at least 8-10 pages of double-spaced text, images not included) – Font size: 11 or 12; Margins: ½ inch or 3/4 inch max on sides. 3. Bibliography (include at least 10 sources, 6 of which must be books or articles. The remaining 4 sources, or more, can include video lectures and other multimedia). Use APA format. You may use more than 10 total. 4. Include illustrations and project documents. Analytical sketches and/or diagrams created by you are optional. You may wish to include sketches and/or diagrams which relate to your concept and Thesis Statement. These elements may be used to help you to prove the Thesis Statement. Do not provide “random” sketches that do not relate to your concept or analysis. Illustrations may be placed throughout the text or at the end. Include APA citations and captions. Include all project documents which you have gathered, and present these in the Appendix of the Paper. Evaluation Rubric: From our Course Syllabus: Evaluation is based on the course learning outcomes as well as these four standard School criteria: • Completeness and timeliness – all work submitted on time; all submitted requirements met. • Craft and communication – all work meets established academic standards for the program. • Process and development – submittals evolve to a higher level of complexity, correctness and refinement. (Note: take special care to see that your paper develops to a higher level of complexity, correctness, and refinement from the midterm draft). • Critical Thinking – is evident in critical observation, use of relevant criteria and contexts for making judgments, appropriate application of source materials, use of methods and techniques for forming judgments and in application of theoretical constructs. Course Learning Outcomes Student learning aspirations for this realm include: PLO 1: Develop and Employ Critical Thinking Skills PLO 2: Graphic Communication Skills ILO 1: Utilize critical thinking skills in the formation, analysis, and evaluation of ideas ILO 3: Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures and environments ILO 4: Communicate effectively through written, oral, and visual media Grading Criteria for the Final Paper: Completeness and timeliness: 25% (all deliverables, including title page, full 8-10 pages of text, bibliography, and illustrations are included; paper is submitted on time in Wk.7 and 11) Grammar, spelling, writing technique and correct use of paragraph structure: 25% Evidence of critical thinking skills throughout the paper; Quality of writing (effective written communication); Strength of Thesis Statement and Evidence: 25% Evidence of research and correct use of APA format: 25%

Course Paper Assignment: 30% of course grade, Final Paper due in Week 11 Proposal Due: April 22, (1 page) – Description of proposed project (abstract), Proposed Case Studies (3 to start), Bibliography with at least 3 sources Final Paper Due: May 19, Week 11 Course Analytical Paper – Assignment In this paper you will provide a rigorous and thoughtful analysis on your chosen theme, to include an analysis of one case study project or several projects, as a comparative analysis. The paper must include a clear and concise Thesis Statement, shown in “bold” at the end of the introductory paragraph. Please use proper paragraph form, beginning each paragraph with a Topic Sentence and ending with a Concluding Sentence. Keep your paragraphs approximately the same length, throughout. Use our course readings, along with 10 or more sources, to help you construct arguments. Cite using proper APA form, when using text from sources. The goal of your paper is to prove (or disprove) the Thesis Statement. Writing a detailed outline is highly recommended. Include the following: 1. Title Page – Include a unique title for your paper topic, your name, my name, course name/number, and the quarter: “Spring 2020” You may also include an image or multiple images on the cover. 2. Final Paper (at least 8-10 pages of double-spaced text, images not included) – Font size: 11 or 12; Margins: ½ inch or 3/4 inch max on sides. 3. Bibliography (include at least 10 sources, 6 of which must be books or articles. The remaining 4 sources, or more, can include video lectures and other multimedia). Use APA format. You may use more than 10 total. 4. Include illustrations and project documents. Analytical sketches and/or diagrams created by you are optional. You may wish to include sketches and/or diagrams which relate to your concept and Thesis Statement. These elements may be used to help you to prove the Thesis Statement. Do not provide “random” sketches that do not relate to your concept or analysis. Illustrations may be placed throughout the text or at the end. Include APA citations and captions. Include all project documents which you have gathered, and present these in the Appendix of the Paper. Evaluation Rubric: From our Course Syllabus: Evaluation is based on the course learning outcomes as well as these four standard School criteria: • Completeness and timeliness – all work submitted on time; all submitted requirements met. • Craft and communication – all work meets established academic standards for the program. • Process and development – submittals evolve to a higher level of complexity, correctness and refinement. (Note: take special care to see that your paper develops to a higher level of complexity, correctness, and refinement from the midterm draft). • Critical Thinking – is evident in critical observation, use of relevant criteria and contexts for making judgments, appropriate application of source materials, use of methods and techniques for forming judgments and in application of theoretical constructs. Course Learning Outcomes Student learning aspirations for this realm include: PLO 1: Develop and Employ Critical Thinking Skills PLO 2: Graphic Communication Skills ILO 1: Utilize critical thinking skills in the formation, analysis, and evaluation of ideas ILO 3: Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures and environments ILO 4: Communicate effectively through written, oral, and visual media Grading Criteria for the Final Paper: Completeness and timeliness: 25% (all deliverables, including title page, full 8-10 pages of text, bibliography, and illustrations are included; paper is submitted on time in Wk.7 and 11) Grammar, spelling, writing technique and correct use of paragraph structure: 25% Evidence of critical thinking skills throughout the paper; Quality of writing (effective written communication); Strength of Thesis Statement and Evidence: 25% Evidence of research and correct use of APA format: 25%. Course Paper Assignment: 30% of course grade, Final Paper due in Week 11
Proposal Due: April 22, (1 page) – Description of proposed project (abstract), Proposed Case Studies (3 to start), Bibliography with at least 3 sources
Final Paper Due: May 19, Week 11
Course Analytical Paper – Assignment
In this paper you will provide a rigorous and thoughtful analysis on your chosen theme, to include an analysis of one case study project or several projects, as a comparative analysis. The paper must include a clear and concise Thesis Statement, shown in “bold” at the end of the introductory paragraph. Please use proper paragraph form, beginning each paragraph with a Topic Sentence and ending with a Concluding Sentence. Keep your paragraphs approximately the same length, throughout. Use our course readings, along with 10 or more sources, to help you construct arguments. Cite using proper APA
form, when using text from sources. The goal of your paper is to prove (or disprove) the Thesis Statement. Writing a detailed outline is highly recommended. Include the following:
1. Title Page – Include a unique title for your paper topic, your name, my name, course name/number, and the quarter: “Spring 2020” You may also include an image or multiple images on the cover.
2. Final Paper (at least 8-10 pages of double-spaced text, images not included) – Font size: 11 or 12; Margins: ½ inch or 3/4 inch max on sides.
3. Bibliography (include at least 10 sources, 6 of which must be books or articles. The remaining 4 sources, or more, can include video lectures and other multimedia). Use APA format. You may use more than 10 total.
4. Include illustrations and project documents. Analytical sketches and/or diagrams created by you are optional. You may wish to include sketches and/or diagrams which relate to your concept and Thesis
Statement. These elements may be used to help you to prove the Thesis Statement. Do not provide “random” sketches that do not relate to your concept or analysis. Illustrations may be placed throughout the text or at the end. Include APA citations and captions. Include all project documents which you have gathered, and present these in the Appendix of the Paper.
Evaluation Rubric:
From our Course Syllabus:
Evaluation is based on the course learning outcomes as well as these four standard School criteria:
• Completeness and timeliness – all work submitted on time; all submitted requirements met.
• Craft and communication – all work meets established academic standards for the program.
• Process and development – submittals evolve to a higher level of complexity, correctness and refinement. (Note: take special care to see that your paper develops to a higher level of complexity, correctness, and refinement from the midterm draft).
• Critical Thinking – is evident in critical observation, use of relevant criteria and contexts for making judgments, appropriate application of source materials, use of methods and techniques for forming judgments and in application of theoretical constructs.
Course Learning Outcomes
Student learning aspirations for this realm include:
PLO 1: Develop and Employ Critical Thinking Skills
PLO 2: Graphic Communication Skills
ILO 1: Utilize critical thinking skills in the formation, analysis, and evaluation of ideas
ILO 3: Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures and environments
ILO 4: Communicate effectively through written, oral, and visual media
Grading Criteria for the Final Paper:
Completeness and timeliness: 25% (all deliverables, including title page, full 8-10 pages of text, bibliography, and illustrations are included; paper is submitted on time in Wk.7 and 11)
Grammar, spelling, writing technique and correct use of paragraph structure: 25%
Evidence of critical thinking skills throughout the paper; Quality of writing (effective written communication); Strength of Thesis Statement and Evidence: 25%
Evidence of research and correct use of APA format: 25%

Course Paper Assignment: 30% of course grade, Final Paper due in Week 11 Proposal Due: April 22, (1 page) – Description of proposed project (abstract), Proposed Case Studies (3 to start), Bibliography with at least 3 sources Final Paper Due: May 19, Week 11 Course Analytical Paper – Assignment In this paper you will provide a rigorous and thoughtful analysis on your chosen theme, to include an analysis of one case study project or several projects, as a comparative analysis. The paper must include a clear and concise Thesis Statement, shown in “bold” at the end of the introductory paragraph. Please use proper paragraph form, beginning each paragraph with a Topic Sentence and ending with a Concluding Sentence. Keep your paragraphs approximately the same length, throughout. Use our course readings, along with 10 or more sources, to help you construct arguments. Cite using proper APA form, when using text from sources. The goal of your paper is to prove (or disprove) the Thesis Statement. Writing a detailed outline is highly recommended. Include the following: 1. Title Page – Include a unique title for your paper topic, your name, my name, course name/number, and the quarter: “Spring 2020” You may also include an image or multiple images on the cover. 2. Final Paper (at least 8-10 pages of double-spaced text, images not included) – Font size: 11 or 12; Margins: ½ inch or 3/4 inch max on sides. 3. Bibliography (include at least 10 sources, 6 of which must be books or articles. The remaining 4 sources, or more, can include video lectures and other multimedia). Use APA format. You may use more than 10 total. 4. Include illustrations and project documents. Analytical sketches and/or diagrams created by you are optional. You may wish to include sketches and/or diagrams which relate to your concept and Thesis Statement. These elements may be used to help you to prove the Thesis Statement. Do not provide “random” sketches that do not relate to your concept or analysis. Illustrations may be placed throughout the text or at the end. Include APA citations and captions. Include all project documents which you have gathered, and present these in the Appendix of the Paper. Evaluation Rubric: From our Course Syllabus: Evaluation is based on the course learning outcomes as well as these four standard School criteria: • Completeness and timeliness – all work submitted on time; all submitted requirements met. • Craft and communication – all work meets established academic standards for the program. • Process and development – submittals evolve to a higher level of complexity, correctness and refinement. (Note: take special care to see that your paper develops to a higher level of complexity, correctness, and refinement from the midterm draft). • Critical Thinking – is evident in critical observation, use of relevant criteria and contexts for making judgments, appropriate application of source materials, use of methods and techniques for forming judgments and in application of theoretical constructs. Course Learning Outcomes Student learning aspirations for this realm include: PLO 1: Develop and Employ Critical Thinking Skills PLO 2: Graphic Communication Skills ILO 1: Utilize critical thinking skills in the formation, analysis, and evaluation of ideas ILO 3: Demonstrate knowledge of diverse cultures and environments ILO 4: Communicate effectively through written, oral, and visual media Grading Criteria for the Final Paper: Completeness and timeliness: 25% (all deliverables, including title page, full 8-10 pages of text, bibliography, and illustrations are included; paper is submitted on time in Wk.7 and 11) Grammar, spelling, writing technique and correct use of paragraph structure: 25% Evidence of critical thinking skills throughout the paper; Quality of writing (effective written communication); Strength of Thesis Statement and Evidence: 25% Evidence of research and correct use of APA format: 25%