Human Resource Management homework help

Human Resource Management homework help.

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Performing Purchasing Agent Duties Business is booming for Waters, Inc., a growing customer service fulfillment business. Most of its business is coming from clients who once outsourced their customer service needs to firms in India. A major client just signed a contract that will take effect in nine months.  This means there are only nine months to purchase the equipment and to train 75 new customer service representatives.  As a purchasing agent, you are tasked with getting the computer equipment and software that the new agents will need to the specifications of both the client and established company standards.
This assignment has three distinct parts that are outlined below. This paper will be 8–10-pages long. Label each part clearly.
Part 1: Need Identification and Specification

  1. Create 10–12 questions that you will ask the client in order to determine the exact hardware and software needs. Provide a brief rationale for asking the questions.

Part 2: RFP

  1. Write a request for proposal based on the needs and specifications identified during the need and specification stage. Note: You will have to fabricate the needs and specifications based on outside research, e.g., standard computer specifications, basic software needs, etc.
  2. Describe how and to whom you will distribute the RFP. Assume the company has a requirement that minority-owned businesses must be included in the distribution of the RFP.

Part 3: Timeline of Tasks and Activities

  1. Develop a comprehensive timeline of the tasks and activities, and who is involved with each task or activity, that need to take place to fulfill the need in the time frame indicated in the scenario.  You will be graded on the completeness of the list and the realistic nature of the timeline.

The format of the report is to be as follows:

  • Typed, double spaced, Times New Roman font (size 12), one-inch margins on all sides.
  • Use headers for each of the subjects being covered, followed by your response.
  • In addition to the 8–10 required pages, a title page is to be included. The title page is to contain the title of the assignment, your name, the instructor’s name, the course title, and the date.

UnacceptableNeeds ImprovementFairProficientExemplaryCreate 10–12 questions to ask the client in order to determine the exact hardware and software needs. Provide a brief rationale for asking the question.
Points:0 (0.00%)
Did not create 10–12 questions that you will ask the client in order to determine the exact hardware and software needs. Did not provide a brief rationale for asking the questions; omitted key information and/or included irrelevant information.
Points:46.8 (19.50%)
Attempted to create 10–12 questions to ask the client in order to determine the exact hardware and software needs. Provided a brief rationale for asking the questions; omitted some key information.
Points:54 (22.50%)
Partially created 10–12 questions to ask the client in order to determine the exact hardware and software needs. Provided a brief rationale for asking the questions; omitted some key information.
Points:61.2 (25.50%)
Sufficiently created 10–12 questions to ask the client in order to determine the exact hardware and software needs. Provided a brief rationale for asking the questions.
Points:72 (30.00%)
Fully created 10–12 questions to ask the client in order to determine the exact hardware and software needs. Provided a brief rationale for asking the questions.
Write a request for proposal based on the needs and specifications identified during the need and specification stage.
Points:0 (0.00%)
Did not write a request for proposal based on the needs and specifications identified during the need and specification stage; omitted key information and/or included irrelevant information.
Points:31.2 (13.00%)
Attempted to write a request for proposal based on the needs and specifications identified during the need and specification stage; omitted some key information.
Points:36 (15.00%)
Partially wrote a request for proposal based on the needs and specifications identified during the need and specification stage; omitted some key information.
Points:40.8 (17.00%)
Sufficiently wrote a request for proposal based on the needs and specifications identified during the need and specification stage.
Points:48 (20.00%)
Fully wrote a request for proposal based on the needs and specifications identified during the need and specification stage.
Describe how and to whom to distribute the RFP. Assume the company has a requirement that minority-owned businesses must be included in the distribution of the RFP.
Points:0 (0.00%)
Did not describe how and to whom to distribute the RFP, assuming the company has a requirement that minority-owned businesses must be included in the distribution of the RFP; omitted key information and/or included irrelevant information.
Points:31.2 (13.00%)
Attempted to describe how and to whom to distribute the RFP, assuming the company has a requirement that minority-owned businesses must be included in the distribution of the RFP; omitted some key information.
Points:36 (15.00%)
Partially described how and to whom to distribute the RFP, assuming the company has a requirement that minority-owned businesses must be included in the distribution of the RFP; omitted some key information.
Points:40.8 (17.00%)
Sufficiently described how and to whom to distribute the RFP, assuming the company has a requirement that minority-owned businesses must be included in the distribution of the RFP.
Points:48 (20.00%)
Fully described how and to whom you will distribute the RFP, assuming the company has a requirement that minority-owned businesses must be included in the distribution of the RFP.
Develop a comprehensive timeline of the tasks and activities, and who is involved with each task or activity, that need to take place to fulfill the need in the time frame indicated in the scenario.
Points:0 (0.00%)
Did not develop a comprehensive timeline of the tasks and activities, and who is involved with each task or activity, that need to take place to fulfill the need in the time frame indicated in the scenario; omitted key information and/or included irrelevant information.
Points:15.6 (6.50%)
Attempted to develop a comprehensive timeline of the tasks and activities, and who is involved with each task or activity, that need to take place to fulfill the need in the time frame indicated in the scenario; omitted some key information.
Points:18 (7.50%)
Partially developed a comprehensive timeline of the tasks and activities, and who is involved with each task or activity, that need to take place to fulfill the need in the time frame indicated in the scenario; omitted some key information.
Points:20.4 (8.50%)
Sufficiently developed a comprehensive timeline of the tasks and activities, and who is involved with each task or activity, that needs to take place to fulfill the need in the time frame indicated in the scenario.
Points:24 (10.00%)
Fully developed a comprehensive timeline of the tasks and activities, and who is involved with each task or activity, that needs to take place to fulfill the need in the time frame indicated in the scenario.
Points:0 (0.00%)
Did not complete the assignment or explanations are unclear and not organized. (Major issues.)
Points:15.6 (6.50%)
Explanations generally unclear and not well organized. (Many issues.)
Points:18 (7.50%)
Explanations somewhat unclear and somewhat unorganized. (Some issues.)
Points:20.4 (8.50%)
Explanations generally clear and/or organized. (Minor issues.)
Points:24 (10.00%)
Explanations very clear and well organized. (Added helpful details.)
Writing – Grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, punctuation.
Points:0 (0.00%)
Did not complete the assignment or had 8 or more different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation. (Major issues.)
Points:15.6 (6.50%)
Had 8–9 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation. (Many issues.)
Points:18 (7.50%)
Had 6–7 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation. (Many issues.)
Points:20.4 (8.50%)
Had 4–5 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation. (Minor issues.)
Points:24 (10.00%)
Had 0–3 different errors in grammar, sentence structure, paragraph structure, spelling, or punctuation.

Human Resource Management homework help