Discuss the impact of your product, service, or application on quality of care, quality of life, cost of care, and access.

As a member of ABC Consultants, you have been hired by a large organization to develop an innovated approach using current technology in health care delivery. This can be a product, a service, or an application.


Choose an organization in a sector including, but not limited to, pharmaceutical, insurance, manufacturing, software development, or facility design. Review its website and any recent articles about the organizations.


Resource: Technology and Health Care Grading Criteria


Write a 1,050- to 1,750-word paper and include the following:

  • Describe your product, service, or application (m-health, e-therapy, virtual physician visits, and so forth).
  • Discuss the impact of your product, service, or application on quality of care, quality of life, cost of care, and access.
  • Discuss the social, ethical, and economical impact of your product, service, or application on the organization.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.





Shi, L., & Singh, D. A. (2012). Delivering health care in America: A systems approach (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett.