>Article writing homework help

A) This week’s reflection is a bit different. Choose and complete one of the following “Art Assignment” prompts, then upload a quick explanation and some photo documentation here. If you find another Art Assignment prompt you like better, and it still relates to the chapter on moving image, feel free to use that instead! (note: the directions on the site say to upload it to social media, you don’t need to do that. You can if you want. But for credit in our course, upload it here).

Trouble uploading anything here (maybe files are too large?) – you can share it with me on OneDrive. Let me know if you need help with this.

Here are the options. Watch the quick video on each to get more detail and examples – then choose your favorite project to complete:

1. http://www.theartassignment.com/assignments//become-a-sci-fi-character

2. http://www.theartassignment.com/assignments/movement-telephone

3. http://www.theartassignment.com/assignments/encounters-encuentros

4. http://www.theartassignment.com/assignments/expanded-moment

5. http://www.theartassignment.com/assignments/intimate-indispensable-gif

B) What is one logo that doesn’t work well? Make a sketch (can be pen and paper, or a digital sketch) of the way you would redesign it. Explain why you consider your redesign an improvement.