Business Finance Homework Help

Thomas Jefferson University Bimbo Bakeries USA Discussion


I’m working on a management multi-part question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

In this assignment, you will be clarifying and prioritizing the defined problem and goal statements will be created for each proposed solution using the SMART process. You will be reviewing the strategic plan to ensure your goal statements fit within the mission and vision of your chosen business/organization. The body of the assignment should be approximately 2 pages in length (this does not include your cover and reference pages) and written using APA format and guidelines. You should have 2-3 references for this portion of the paper. To learn more about this part of the tactical/action planning process, please go to (Links to an external site.) and review Step 3 & 4.

Students: Be sure to read the criteria by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write to ensure you have all of the criteria covered.

SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timely or time-bound. Your goals for your problem’s solution should have all five elements in this format To improve customer satisfaction by 20% by December 31. Your SMART goal should be one sentence


Assignment 5 Rubic

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarifies and prioritizes original problem statement

25 pts

Clarification and prioritization are clearly presented including all criteria outlined above.

12.5 pts

Clarification and prioritization are presented, though may not be clear or complete.

0 pts

Does not provide adequate clarification / prioritization or is missing.

25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplains SMART and how it is incorporated in their goal statements

25 pts

SMART goals are clearly presented and are adequate to base a plan off of.

12.5 pts

Explanation and goals are presented, but not clear or complete, could use more explanation

0 pts

Does not adequately explain SMART goals or is missing

25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssures that SMART goals align with mission and vision in strategic plan.

25 pts

Provides alignment of goals and strategic plan that is clearly presented and is adequate to base a plan off of.

12.5 pts

Provides alignment of goals but not clear or complete, could use more explanation

0 pts

Does not adequately align goals, or is missing

25 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

15 pts

Provides an adequate number of concepts and theories related to principles of management and includes the number of relevant sources indicated above (3 or more references)

7.5 pts

Provides a few concepts and theories of principles of management and includes some sources (1-2 references)

0 pts

Does not provide content related to principles of management or does not include sources (0 references)

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClear and professional writing and format

10 pts

Writing and format is clear, professional, APA compliant, and error free

6 pts

Few errors that do not impede professional presentation

0 pts

Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed

10 pts

Total Points: 100
