Business Finance Homework Help

PMIT Business Finance and Managerial Position Essay


Interview TWO people at health care businesses—one who has a financial position and another in an administrative or managerial position.

Call ahead of time and set an appointment with the office manager, department manager or someone who holds a similar position. Explain that you are a BSHCA student at PMI and ask for an appointment for a short interview to better understand the healthcare institution they are representing. You can explain what you are trying to accomplish with your project.

You must do your interview in person or over the phone—via email is not acceptable!

During your interview, ask the questions below, along with 3 more (for each person) of your own creation. Afterward, write a 3+ page paper (double-spaced, Times New Roman font, and on a separate Word document) in which you:

  • List the questions asked and answers      given during each interview
  • Summarize what you learned during each      interview
  • Compare the information provided by each      person. Were there any similarities? Did they contradict each other?
  • What information provided by the      interviewees will be helpful to you in completing your project?
  • Give the contact information for      each of your candidates (I will add their contact information later)

Financial Position Questions: 

  1. Tell me your name, your title, and      describe your role within the facility. (Joshy John, Financial Analyst)
  2. How many people      are involved in the financial process, and can you briefly explain the      roles of each person involved?   
  3. How do you formulate your budget for your      facility or department on a monthly and annual basis?
  4. What is important for me to know about      starting up a business and month to month operational finances?
  5. If      I have a start-up loan amount of up to $500,000, how would you best      utilize this?

Administrative or Managerial Questions: 

  1. Tell me your name, your title, and      describe your role with the facility. (Alicia Mary, Manager)
  2. Can you explain to me the managerial      operations of your healthcare facility?
  3. What are some of the biggest decisions      you make on a daily basis?
  4. What do you do to advertise or market      your facility for growth within your community?
  5. What is important for me to know from an      administrative or managerial perspective of starting up and growing a      healthcare business?