Business Finance Homework Help

New York University Merges and Acquisitions Discussion Response


1.Must post first.You’ve just been promoted to Senior Vie President of your company.  You were also just told that you will be merging with another company and you are in charge of leading this effort.  Of the 3 major phases of mergers and acquisitions, which major phase will you take control of and lead the effort?  Why did you choose the one you chose?  Also, include the team you would put together to help you do this.  What will you look for in qualifications/experience of the people you will choose to be on your team to make this successful?

2 Trustworthy Leadership can be defined as the quality of someone being competent and benevolent so that others can safely be in partnership with that person.  (W.Q.Judge).   Think about peers you have worked with, either on projects, or in the work place that you have admired and you considered a trustworthy leader.  Of the seven (7) practices for cultivating Trustworthy Leadership, which one (1) would you choose to describe the person you worked with?

hi there are some reply you need give based on the past discussion

let me paste here, just simply reply is good

effective feedback (reply)

1.(zdz)The following two properties are critical to providing effective feedback to the organization that I feel. They are “Verifiable” and “Timely”. The purpose of the feedback is to obtain the demand data provided by the customer, and to summarize the data from the way in which the action impact is derived, Finally, to meet customer needs to improve. This requires ensuring the validity and accuracy of the feedback data. This is the meaning of “Verifiable”. The feedback information should allow members of the organization to verify whether the survey results really describe the situation in the organization. The meaning of “Timely” is that after the data is collected, it can quickly analyze and reflect and provide feedback to customers’ needs as soon as possible. This can ensure the validity of the information and prevent customers from having chosen other organizations or changing their attitudes due to negligent feedback efficiency.

2.(coz)Limited – Terry Leahy, the former CEO of Tesco, once said that “only data that can provide a reference for action is useful data” First, we have to collect as much raw data as possible to enlarge the scale to make the analysis persuasive. After that, we have to convert those raw data into meaningful information to understand our situation. Last but not least, among all meaningful information, only those information that can precisely reflect the targeted problem is what we need to deliver to our customers as feedback. This information, unlike the others, will play a vital role in formulating action plans since they are the ultimate essence we intended to locate at first.

Comparative – All effective evaluations are based on iterative comparison since all good and bad only exist in relativity. When I was in college, I was majored in Accounting and minored in Finance. What I have learned taught me that only by putting together this year’s data and last year’s data can we know whether the company has improved in terms of operations; only by putting the company’s data and industry data together can we know whether the company is sufficiently competitive in the industry. With that being said, a broader context is always indispensable when evaluating the feedback data, meaning a comparative group of data needs to be provided to our client if we value clarity and instructiveness. 

culture (reply)

1.As an international student, our classmates are come from all around the world where embraces different cultures, beliefs and behaviors. We are passionate with a purpose of pursing our dreams and gaining knowledge in different areas for the future careers. From a social perspective, culture is the collective knowledge and achievements of a group, the foundation of social values and beliefs.In an organization, employees all have a relatively clear common business goal. Corporate culture is a set of common beliefs, values, attitudes, standards, goals and behaviors. Their culture is an expression of the work they do, the values they accept, and the collective behavior of the people who work for them.

2. am Chinese who had started to study in the US since high school, from Cheshire Academy to the University of California Irvine. Now I am taking my master degree in NYU online. I have encountered in culture for ten years. I have been learning English, interesting with people from different regions, ages, genders, races and etc. Studying with different culture taught me how to respect and communicate with different people.

Culture is important to an organization because it establishes the internal and external image of the organization. The internal value can create a healthy working environment and help to keep the best people. Moreover, the external image can win the reputation of brand identity. Also, culture brings people from different backgrounds so that they all can share different experience into their works. Thus, the employees are more participated and innovated. 

strategy (reply)

1.The action plan is an important part of the statement of strategic direction. I choose it because it explains the purpose of a project or organizational existence. For an organization without a clear action plan, failure is inevitable. The leadership and the employees depend on the action plan to understand the reason the organization exists, maybe, to provide a specific product that solves a specific problem etcetera. It is a directional statement that helps a team align distinct plans, goals, and objectives with the purpose behind the organizational existence. Through the action plan statement, the team is aware of the scope of the services towards the beneficiaries or users. The action plan provides a basic direction with which a team can rely on for long-term, short-term and daily tasks, responsibilities, and activities. Generally, the action plan is an important guide for the formation of strategic, tactical, and operational goals and objectives.

2.I think action plan is important to the strategy of an organization. Competitive logic, goals and organization help people to understand. However, action plan describes the specific steps on how to implement the strategy. These steps specifies the responsibilities, accountabilities, and deadlines. Also they evaluate the costs, benefits and moving the competitive logic forward. Managers will also continuously make changes of the plan while the initiatives are accomplished. Thus, the team will understand their responsibilities and be flexible to any changes in order to move forward.