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ASU Retrieval Practice in Human Learning Discussion


I’m working on a communications discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Relate findings and implications from research in learning and cognition to one’s content area and classroom practices in order to better understand students’ diverse needs. (CLO III)

Student studying

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Introduction & Instructions:

Continuing our discussion and exploration of retrieval practice in human learning, this episode of The Cult of Pedagogy Podcast episode features Dr. Pooja Agarwal, a cognitive scientist and founder of According to research, nothing cements long-term learning as powerfully as retrieval practice. Agarwal describes several retrieval practices teachers can use in the classroom to promote student learning. After listening to the episode, I encourage you to browse the free resources and downloads at (Links to an external site.).

For this activity, please complete the following:

Step 1. Listen: 

Step 2. Reflect, Relate, & Share:

Please organize your response by the following:

  • 3 Takeaways. What stood out to you when reviewing this material? List three direct quotes, nuggets, takeaways, impressions, or reactions you have. Provide citations when appropriate. For example: (Sousa, 2010, p. 12) or (Gonzalez, 2017, 4:32)
  • 2 Classroom Connections. In what ways does this material relate to student learning in your classroom or content area? Provide two connections to the classroom. At least one of these must be directly related to student learning.
  • 1 Research Connection. Locate one peer-reviewed research article related to the topic(s) mentioned in this activity. Try and locate a study that explores or examines the topic in your content area of expertise, using appropriate keywords to guide your search. Summarize the study’s findings in 2-3 sentences and include if it’s appropriate for classroom, content area, or school-wide contexts. Provide the APA reference citation for the article and/or attach the article to your post as a file.
  • Use keyword search terms to guide you. For example: “retrieval practice AND mathematics”
  • 1 Question. Conclude your post by posing one question for your peers. This question should relate to the content of your post.