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Colorado TU Needs of The Standing Bear Ridge Reservation Community Response


Response Guidelines

Read the initial posts of the other learners and respond to two. Provide feedback on each learner’s need statement. Provide suggestions for improving the need statement.

Student post down below:

The Opiod issue is plaguing the Reservation that is outside of the Riverbend community. Recently there were 6 opiod overdoses in one day on the reservation. 72,000 Americans died of a drug overdose in 2017, most of them involving opioids (Azar 2018). There are limited resources offered to this community and they are seeking services to combat the Opoid crisis. The community came together for an open forum to discuss the community needs, provide insight into those effected by the crisis, and advocate for services and funding to alleviate the crisis.

Theme- there were attempts made to engage legislators, hospitals, police and emergency services to utilize Nalaxalone to assist in stoping the overdoses in the community. In addition, there is an increase rate of petty crime as people are attempting to feed their habit. Those most effected are the community residence who are addicted to the prescription medication, the community residence who are effected by the crime and the overworked police, medical professionals and programs who are working to handle the crisis at hand. The goal of the services put in place would be to combat the opiod crisis in three ways:

Educating medical professionals to stop prescribing drugs that are addictive to patients

Training first responders to deal with someone who may be overdosing on drugs

Create programs to help those struggling with opiod addiction.