Business Finance Homework Help

Yorkville University Business Question


I’m stuck on a Business question and need an explanation.

Write my name Bhavneet in desmos because prof need my name.Model the line sceanario and solve it through graphing method using the objective function line. please submit the screen shot of your desmos application or website with your names. My name is Bhavnee Kaur. with the solution on it as well as your model( system of inequalities, objective function and clear definition of your variables. Aplha galaxy manufactures two models of steppers used for aerobic exercise. Manufacturing each luxury model require 11 lb of plasstic and 8 min of labor. manufacturing each standard model requires 8 lb of plastic and 10 min of labor. The cost for each luxury model is $18, and the cost for each styandard of model is $10.If a minimum 810 lb of plastic and 470 labor minutes are to be used everyday for production of steppers.A) how many steppers of each model should Alpha galaxy produce each day in order to minimize its cost?B) What is the optimal cost?