Business Finance Homework Help

Boston University Fortune 500 Company Walmart Discussion Paper


Homework Project # 1

“Your” Fortune 500 Company

Your assignment is to dive into the company you have chosen to follow. This is your first step toward becoming an authority on the organization. Use multiple sources to begin to learn more about your organization. DO NOT cut-and-paste sections of text from the company’s website. Unless cited, of course, all writing MUST BE your own.

Tell us the following:

1. Write a one-paragraph summary of the company in your own words.

2. Present ten important facts about the company (bulleted).

3. What is the company’s current share price? Summarize the company’s financial performance for the last quarter.

4. Who is the CEO? Who is the CCO (or whomever appears to be the senior public relations/communications executive)?

5. Visit the company’s online press center. (Might be referred to as “media center” or “press center” or “news” or something else.) Share your impressions of the site in two thoughtful paragraphs.

6. In two paragraphs summarize a major challenge or opportunity facing

your corporation.

7. List the sources you’ve consulted to gather this information.

Homework Project # 2

Engaging Gen Z Employees – Three pages total (single-spaced)

The link between genuine employee engagement and high performing corporations seems obvious. Yet, achieving sustained employee engagement is much more difficult (and rare) than it might seem on the surface. Countless articles have been written about the importance and challenges of engaging your generation of employees – the so called “Gen Z.”

Part One: Start this assignment by identifying three thoughtful articles that address this challenge. Cite them. Summarize, in your own words, what you consider to be the five most important best practices for corporations seeking to genuinely engage Gen Z employees. Develop and express your best practices in your own words. (Don’t just “parrot” what others have written/said.)

Part Two: Next, compare “your” Fortune 500 Company against the five best practices you identified. How does the company appear to measure-up against your standards? Summarize what they do/believe that appears to generate genuine employee engagement (cite several examples) and what it appears they should do differently.

Part Three: Pick one company – other than “yours” – that does an exceptional job engaging Gen Z employees and summarize what we should learn from them.

Part Four: Assume you are the CEO of “your” company and you are planning a major campaign to attract and retain the best and brightest Gen Z employees. Surprisingly, several members of your board have reacted very negatively to early reports of the initiative. They are worried that you plan to “coddle these kids” rather than demanding they “perform or else go work somewhere else.” Write a short memo to the board that sets them straight.