Business Finance Homework Help

CU Importance of Legal Aspects of Health Care Management Memorandum


Assignment- Memo: Importance of Understanding Legal Aspects of Health Care Management


Read the following scenario before completing this assignment. Feel free to conduct your own search on the Internet to find scholarly or professional resources to support your discussion.


For this assignment, assume the role of a mid-level manager within a large health care organization. To support continuous improvement and career development, your organization requires you to annually choose a professional development focus, justify the relevance of this focus, and then set related goals for the knowledge you want to obtain. To finalize this process, you must submit a detailed memo to the organization’s human resource department detailing the above information. This year, you have chosen to focus on the relevance of increasing your knowledge of and expertise in the legal aspects of health care to your career as a health care manager.

  • Written communication: Should be clear, concise, well organized, and free of errors that detract from the overall message, as expected of a business professional.
  • Length: 4–5 double-spaced pages, excluding cover and reference pages.
  • APA format: Citations and references should be formatted according to current APA style. 
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


Write a formal 4–5-page business memorandum (memo) to submit to the human resource department. Assignment should be clear, concise, well organized and free of errors. – double-spaced pages, excluding cover and reference pages. APA format with citations, Times New Roman, 12 point. In your memo:

  • Communicate your professional development focus by writing professional development goals focused on increasing your knowledge of the legal aspects of health care from a health care management perspective.
  • Identify the various sources of law, the functions of various government ethics committees, and how having a solid understanding of the laws and ethical issues that surround health care can help you better prepare to be an effective health care manager.
  • Discuss the relevance of key legal concepts and their application to the health care setting. Cover concepts such as torts, intentional torts, the objectives of tort law, negligence, and malpractice. (Be sure to make a clear distinction between negligence and malpractice.)
  • Describe a variety of legal issues that occur in patient care settings and the various programs that can help reduce the number of malpractice claims.
  • Define the term defensive medicine and discuss both positive and negative factors related to it.
  • Discuss how you plan to use and benefit from understanding the legal aspects of health care and how this knowledge will assist you in health care management decision making.
  • Identify and provide annotative detail on a variety of useful journals, professional associations, conferences, and other resources that would help you increase your knowledge of health care law. The annotative details should explain why you chose the source (its value) and how it ties into your professional development goals.