Business Finance Homework Help

RLM T301 APUS Insightful Concepts About the Various Components Discussion


This course is part of a program that leads to a college degree. The work you have completed and the knowledge you have gained will set you apart in the marketplace.

As the week winds down, also spend some time in that final discussion telling what needs to be changed to make this a more robust course. Explain what would make this more meaningful to your line of work? What would have made it more meaningful to that new career you hope to transition to one day? What worked in this course? If you had to teach this course, what would you do differently to prepare yourself, to prepare the students? What tools or skills did you hope to obtain from this course that you did not obtain? And also, what tools and skills did you learn that hit the spot. And, when you tell people about this course, what will you say to someone who wants to take it?

Please refer to this week’s reading and objectives.