Business Finance Homework Help

University of the Cumberlands Create a Network Diagram and A Gantt Chart Questions


Create a testing plan

Once the testing plan is ready, your team can:

  • Test the user interfaces

Test the database

Test the network

  • Write the documentation first draft
  • When the user interface tests are complete, you can:
  • Perform user testing—enlist some users to test the user interface
  • When the database and network testing are complete, you can:

Perform integration testing—network with the database

When the user testing of the user interface and the database testing are complete, you can:

  • Perform integration testing—database, network, and user interface

When all integration testing and user testing are complete, you can:

Perform system testing

  • Then you can:

Review and revise documentation

After all other tasks are complete, you can:

  • Obtain management approval

Duration estimates for the tasks:


  • 3 days


10 days

  • c.

6 days


  • 7 days


20 days


5 days


3 days


2 days


8 days


4 days


5 days

Create a network diagram and a Gantt chart for the project tasks. Ask your instructor if you are permitted to use software such as Microsoft Project to help you prepare your diagrams.

What is the planned duration for the testing project?

What is the critical path for the testing project?

For each task NOT on the critical path, calculate the amount of slack available.

If the user testing of the user interface takes 15 days, what will the impact be on the project duration?