Business Finance Homework Help

AU Situation Between the Customer and The Employee Discussion


I’m studying for my Business class and need an explanation.

As the manager of a bank, you have just walked in on an angry customer who was demanding to have a late penalty removed from his account. The employee who was helping him began to argue that the late penalty was applied correctly.

In your paper,

  • Describe how you would address this situation.
  • Explain how you would approach your employee.
  • Identify how you would satisfy the situation with the angry customer.

Coughlin, D. (2014). Focusing on the fundamentals of effective communication within an organization. Effective Executive, 17(1), 28-39. Retrieved from

clarifying Great Communication

If poor communication is so prevalent in organizations in over 40 different industries, I am wondering if great communication is even possible. Do people really know what they want? Take out a sheet of paper and write down your answer to this question:

Describe what you mean by great communication inside of a business. What does it look like?

You might want to think of someone you consider to be a great communicator or think of what you imagine great communication looks like in a work environment. Take a few minutes right now and start jotting down what you think this really looks like. When you are done, compare your answer to the realities of your workplace. What is similar and what is different? What do you think can be done to improve communication in your organization? Trust me when I say this is easier said than done.

How In-House Communication Affects Business Results

Think of business performance this way:

Talent + Energy + Time = Improved Results

Talent is the capacity to add value to other people, energy is the effort you put into creating and delivering that value, and time is the amount of time you concentrate your energy on creating and delivering that value to other people.

Keep in mind that your organization only has ‘x’ amount of cumulative talent, energy, and time. If you waste a portion of that on poor communication, then it is gone and cannot be retrieved. So now you have to achieve great results with a smaller amount of talent, energy, and time.

Consequently, poor communication makes business performance much more difficult. In order to thwart poor communication, one thing that is important is to acknowledge what it looks like and to consciously work to avoid it.

Communication Approaches That Ruin Work Relationships (The Headline Is, “Not Respecting the Other Person”)

At the heart of ineffective communication is a true lack of respect for the other person. This could be conscious or subconscious, but either way it rears it s ug ly hea d and weakens relationships. To get ready for the seminar, I started t hi nk ing ab out comm u nicatio n approaches that I have seen really damage working relationships within my clients’ organizations and in organizations I have worked in. Here is what came to mind:

Lack of time together one-on-one

Nothing ruins relationships faster and more effectively than not spending time together. This is true in families, in friendships, in neighborhoods, and in businesses. There is something about human nature that when people are not spending any quality time together, negative thoughts and assumptions about each other start to creep in and negative walls start to build up. Forget that saying that “Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” Not true. Absence makes people jump to conclusions that may or may not be true. If you really want to hurt a relationship with a fellow employee, do everything you can not to spend any time with that person.

The danger of drive-by shootings (otherwise known as the explosion of public humiliation, the evils of e-mail, the terror of texts and tweets, and the fear of Facebook)

Imagine you are sitting in your house and a car goes by and then a bullet crashes through your window and gets lodged in the wall next to you. No one is physically hurt, but an enormous amount of fear is generated. With no explanation or warning, you have been attacked. Your neighbors all start to wonder if they are in danger as well or if this is just about you.

Bovee, C. L., & Thill, J. V. (2018). Business communication today (14th ed.). Retrieved from