Business management

Written Assignments – The assignment should be a single-spaced Word document in 10 point type. Do not send me Excel files – embed what you need into a single document. Note that end appendices, exhibits, or citations (don’t forget about them…) are not included in the page limit. Most strong work assignments use appendices/exhibits for detail (hint…). Put the strategy tools in the exhibits (versus the body of the memo). Use the following format for the filename: “Last Name, First Name, Assignment Name” for example: “Kingsley, Tom, Tesla A”. For each assignment, answer the case questions only, which will be assigned.

Going over the page limit will drop the assignment by a grade. Note that appendices, exhibits or citings are not included in the page limit. Do not include a cover page.

Answer the case questions only in the assignment description. All assignments except the first (Tesla A) must be written as a “memo” reflecting your role as described in the assignment details below. Each assignment has a point of view from which to analyze and write the case. Please include an Executive Summary (not an introduction).


In evaluating your written assignments, I will look for the following:

1. Critical thinking: You should demonstrate “critical thinking.” Have you added value? Have you gone deeper than an obvious or superficial understanding of the issues (or question)?

Critical Thinking: Effective business decision-makers who critically analyze an economic or financial issue and develop a clearly supportable position/recommendation on the issue.

2. Synthesis. Have you used case, article, and/or class information to analyze and draw conclusions? Specifically, can I see examples of material from the text or articles? Have you used data from the case? Have you analyzed the financials and drawn conclusions? Have you extracted relevant information from the exhibits?

3. Business analysis. Is your logic conveyed in a crisp and concise manner? In a manner consistent with concise business communication?

o Use frameworks, tools and bulleted points to sharpen your analysis.

o Have you summarized the analysis to clarify your conclusions or recommendations?