English homework help

Select a reading from The Conversation website  https://theconversation.com/us   . Use the categories at the top of the page or the search bar to find something that sounds interesting to you.

Read the article and then follow these directions to post.  Write your response on a word document and paste into the reply box when you finish.  Don’t compose directly in the response box.

First:  Briefly answer the following two questions.

  1. What is the rhetorical context of the article? Identify the writer, audience, topic, purpose, and context (i.e., the Rhetorical Situation)
  2. What is a vocabulary word you learned or found interesting in this article? How was it used in the article, and what is its definition?

Second:  Write a summary of your reading selection.  This summary should be no longer than 1/3 the length of the original source.  The summary should include only important ideas.  Do not include details or examples.  Summaries only include information from the text–do NOT include your opinion or thoughts on the text.

You can use the following prompt to help you begin your summary:

In “___[title of article]____,” ___[author’s name(s)____  argues/opines/suggests/informs readers that/wants his or her readers to understand, explains* that ___________[insert author’s main point here]__________ .

When you can complete the above sentence, you are ready to summarize the important information.

* chose a good word to describe what the author wants to convey to the reader.  Do NOT, however, use “says” or “said.”

Then, write one paragraph responding to the information.  What do you agree or disagree with and why?  What connection can you make to the text?  What related examples can you provide or evidence to confirm or disconfirm the text?

Operations Management homework help

Case Assignment

After you have reviewed the background materials and done some research on Travis Kalanick, write a 4 full-page paper (excluding title and references pages) to include at least three scholarly sources from the required or optional readings list addressing the issues below. Does Travis Kalanick meet the definition of a charismatic leader based on what you’ve read? Explain your answer using both the required background textbook readings as well as specific information you found about Kalanick.

  1. Does Travis Kalanick meet the definition of a transformational leader based on what you’ve read? Explain your answer using both the required background textbook readings as well as specific information you found about Kalanick.
  2. Does Travis Kalanick meet the definition of a transactional leader based on what you’ve read? Explain your answer using both the required background textbook readings as well as specific information you found about Kalanick.
  3. Overall, what do you believe are the main benefits and drawbacks of Travis Kalanick’s approach to leadership? Do you think he needs to make major changes in his leadership style?

Education homework help

Basic Requirements :

  1. Type of writing expected:  Comparison and/or Contrast Essay
  2. Length requirements – (No more than two pages plus work cited page) and double-spaced, 12″ Times New Roman Font.
  3. Formatting requirements – MLA format (See video-under tools and resources)
  4. Documentation format – MLA citations necessary (Please cite to avoid plagiarism.
  5. Amount or type of research expected – Minimal outside research necessary (Use at least two resources)

The focus of this second essay will be on comparison-contrast.
Write a comparison-contrast essay discussing the differences between two famous historical figures.  Focus on specific similarities and differences.  Feel free to use specific examples from different spheres of influences, like music, film or literature, but be sure that they are analogous.  Some things you might want to think about:•  What are the backgrounds of the individuals?•  Where are they from?•  Discuss their achievements and accolades.•  What is the public perception of these people?

Objectives:•  Students will practice different types of invention strategies.•  Students will appeal to the emotions of their audience in their own essays.•  Students will write effective introductions and conclusions.•  Students will experiment with analytical skills.•  Students will practice cause and effect and comparison.

Management homework help

You are a business analyst in a publicly-traded company. Your team is working with stakeholders regarding options for expansion. The company must decide at least two possible countries for expansion based on specific criteria. Your job is to present a report to identify the following:

  • Identify the countries where this company is currently operating
  • Identify and then analyze at least two possible countries for expansion based on specific criteria, such as:
    • Formal and informal institutions in those countries
    • International trade and trade barriers
    • Whether FDI is attractive or unattractive
    • Foreign exchange opportunities/issues
    • Whether regional integration is present and how this may impact expansion
    • Possible modes of entry with recommendations
    • Discuss marketing/HR items of note to successfully operate in the new country

The projects should contain a minimum of 1,500 words, excluding cover page/references section, and should follow the most current edition of APA formatting.

Instructors determine the due date for this project. In the alternative, this assignment may be given as a group project as determined by the instructor. Individual project is worth 250 points. Submit your individual project to the Dropbox.

History homework help

Detailed Instructions:

  1. Timeline
    • Recall your work on Milestone 4. Create a timeline to show each of the events you researched in chronological order. Your timeline should present detailed evidence showing how each key theme you chose is relevant to your country’s history. Each entry on your timeline should:
      • Clearly identify which topic/theme is covered in the entry, and what historical event or era you are connecting that theme too.
      • Show an understanding of the topic/theme selected.
      • Show knowledge of basic facts (who-what-when-where) about the event selected.
      • Give an evidence-based argument that justifies your claim that the historical event and the broader topic/theme are connected.
      • Include at least one image (multiple images, video links, other creative visuals are welcome).
    • Tip: The more effort you put into using tools and technology to create a dynamic, detailed, visually stimulating timeline, the better!
  2. Narrated Presentation
    1. Create a five-minute presentation of your timeline. Your instructor will assess the appearance and accuracy of your timeline, as well as your oral communication (language, posture, gesture, eye contact, and tone).
    2. Be sure to:
      • Speak for a minimum of five minutes (seven minutes maximum).
      • Present a polished and edited timeline – it should be error-free and visually appealing.
      • Speak slowly and clearly, demonstrating a mastery of the content you are presenting.
    3. You may use whatever software you would like to record your narrated presentation, but your presentation must be uploaded to Panopto to be shared with your instructor.  If you have difficulty with Panopto, contact the instructor for other options including the below.
    4. Note:  If you use Powerpoint: A) there should be a minimum of 12-15 slides of some documented factual materials beyond the title page and bibliography.  B) All texts must be written by you.  If from other sources, you MUST rewrite the text in your own words.

Written Reflection

  • In a 2-3 paragraph essay, answer the following reflection questions:
    • Describe your strategy to find solutions to the big problems this assignment presented you with. How did you go about choosing which topics/themes were evident in your country’s history? What was your strategy for deciding which events best demonstrated which big themes?
    • Talk about which sources you used, and how you decided which evidence most strongly supported the points you wanted to make.
    • Of the four topics/themes you selected, which do you believe is the most historically significant and why? (You might consider which theme is still impacting our world today, or which theme brought about the biggest changes)

Computer Science homework help

Develop a disaster recovery plan for an organization. There are many different templates available online for you to use as reference and guidance. Your plan should cover the following sections (these sections detail the elements in a DR plan in the sequence defined by industry compliance standards ISO 27031 and ISO 24762):

  • This section should summarize key action steps (such as where to assemble employees if forced to evacuate the building) and list key contacts with contact information for ease of authorizing and launching the plan.
  • Introduction
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • Incident Response
  • Plan Activation
  • Document History
  • Procedures

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be approximately seven to ten pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
  • Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
  • Support your answers with the readings from the course, the course textbook, and at least ten scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find supplemental resources.
  • Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.

Psychology homework help

Ethical Research

Due to significant violations of federal and institutional rules and regulations, ethical issues in human participant research have received increasing attention over the past 50 years. While it might seem obvious that respect, integrity, fidelity, and justice should serve as the ethical foundation for all research activities, this has not always been the case for research involving human participation.


After reviewing Standard 8: Research and Publication of the APA Ethics Code, select three of the substandards and discuss their importance with respect to research activities. The fifteen substandards include:

8.1 Institutional Approval
8.2 Informed Consent to Research
8.3 Informed Consent for Recording Voices and Images in Research
8.4 Client/Patient, Student, and Subordinate Research Participants
8.5 Dispensing with Informed Consent for Research
8.6 Offering Inducements for Research Participation
8.7 Deception in Research
8.8 Debriefing
8.9 Humane Care and Use of Animals in Research
8.10 Reporting Research Results
8.11 Plagiarism
8.12 Publication Credit
8.13 Duplicate Publication of Data
8.14 Sharing Research Data for Verification
8.15 Reviewers

Consider a proposed research study that interests you and discuss how these standards would apply during the research process, including how you might ensure the protection of human subjects in a study on your topic.

Locate at least two scholarly references from the Ashford University Library to support your discussion. Your paper should be 700-1050 words in length (not counting the title and References pages).

English homework help

English 102

Alison Cimino

Spring 2021

Essay #1 “Fiction” – Assignment Sheet



Reading literary fiction can help people relate to issues in their own lives by exploring the lives of characters.  Characters are a central part of any work of fiction.  Understanding the characters lends insight into many other areas of a fictional work and often, into an understanding of the human condition.  To understand this relationship, the following assignment asks you to work closely with two to three characters, from two different short stories that share a similar theme.


The Assignment:

In a 3-4-page paper, choose two to three characters from two short stores of the following short stories listed below that express a struggle of the human condition. Then, create an argument through characters, dialogue, and setting, using specific images to support your argument: In what ways do these authors explore the theme? How is this theme is developed through setting, characters, dialog, and imagery? Be sure to discuss the significance of your ideas.


Your essay must include the following:

  • Support your argument with quotes from the stories.
  • Cite your quotes from the stories in MLA citation and format.
  • Discuss literary devices (characterization, setting, and imagery, etc.)
  • Be sure to start by introducing the theme addressed in these stories.
  • Select two to three characters from the list of works below and compare and contrast them in terms of how the author “brings them to life” and connects makes them human.
  • Consider the struggles of the characters and how the way in which they handle their struggles creates a greater understanding for the reader.


You may choose any main characters from the following list of short stories from our class texts:

·         Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues”

·         Louis Erdrich’s “The Red Convertible”

·         Toni Cade Bambara’s “The Lesson”

·         Jamaica Kinkaid’s “Girl”

·         Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried”



Composing Strategies

In describing and comparing/contrasting the main characters you will need to use some of the literary terms and elements we discussed in class:

  • Irony, foreshadowing, imagery, metaphor, and motif will help you describe the character as well as offer value judgments about the character’s place in the work.
  • Also, consider the character’s role in the plot as well as his or her motives and mannerisms to liven your description to the reader.
  • Assume your reader is unfamiliar with any of these characters and explain them accordingly. Spend no more than one page per character.
  • Discuss the significant and make comments on the text rather than retell the plot or make general statements.


Your Audience: Faculty, Staff, & Students at QCC (So, the tone and language should be formal and academic. No slang, no contractions.)


Check List:

  • Named the theme these stories discuss—choose two stories with a common theme
  • Included quotes from the stories as support to the argument
  • Discussed literary devices
  • Discuss the authors’ insight to the human condition
  • Wrote between 3-4 full page typed, double-spaced, 1″ margins, 12-point font (Times New Roman)
  • Used MLA style to cite from the stories
  • Included a Works Cited page for this assignment.
  • Submitted all prewriting and drafts and handed them in with the final copy—uploaded to Blackboard
  • Uploaded final draft to “Turn it in” on Blackboard
  • Essay #1 is worth 15pts. maximum


Due Dates:

  • Introduction, Thesis and Plan due for peer review: Monday, 2/22
  • First draft due for peer review (See Groups on Blackboard) Wednesday, 2/24
  • Final Copy due to “Turn It In” on Blackboard: Monday, 3/1



Academic Resources

Any student who needs extra help should make an appointment with me or at the writing center.

Campus Writing Center (CWC), located on the 1st Floor of the Library Building, serves as a college-wide resource providing QCC students with FREE tutoring assistance for all English (ENGL) coursework, as well as any writing-related or WI assignment across the curriculum.


If you have any questions, feel free to see me during office hours or by appointment.  Feel free to email me at acimino@qcc.cuny.edu.


You can do it!













Professor Cimino

Grading Rubric

Essay #1 (numbers indicate points out of 100)


Introduction: 12______Introduction starts out broad and introduces topic and theme.

Essay responds to the question, takes a position, and supports the thesis with convincing details.


Theme & Essay Question: 5_________Essay explores a major theme and argues how that theme and characters connect to the human condition.  The theme is defined and the terms used are defined.


Thesis:  10_______

Thesis makes a clear argument. It identifies the title(s) and author(s) and makes a comment on the story.  The thesis presents an interpretation of the character (s) that will be argued and discussed.


Topic Sentences and Paragraph Structure: 10_______Paper uses topic sentences effectively.  The topic sentences connect with the thesis statement and are specific so that the paragraph coheres.  Paragraphs stay on topic.


Content/ Body Paragraphs: 25_______

Essay uses examples and quotes from the literature (the primary sources) to support the thesis.  Essay addresses theme as well as 2-3 elements of fiction (imagery, setting, dialog) uses examples from the stories as support.  The essay looks critically at the stories and offers insights into the material.


Quotes: 20_______

Paper uses primary quotes from the stories to support the main ideas in the paper. Uses MLA format to cite. Quotes are introduced, cited and then discussed. The significance of the quote connects to the thesis.


Grammar conventions: 10______

Syntax and sentences flow and sentences are varied.

Strong verbs—attention to replacing being verbs with active verbs

Uses transitional words.


Style and Directions: 5_______

Line writing is creative and offers a unique style.

Nuts & Bolts: Essay is in PRESENT TENSE

Paper is appropriate length.


Peer Review: 3________Paper was peer reviewed by another member of the class and student peer reviewed someone’s paper.




Accounting homework help

 Prepare a 350-word Discussion Board post that summarizes the factors that are expected to impact the company’s financial position in the next three years.  The factors identified should be supported by citations from reputable sources.  Avoid making opinionated statements.  Instead, utilize research to make informed conclusions regarding the company’s future.    Your post should be supported by at least four references, taken from reputable sources such as professional, scholarly, or trade publications, or the textbook.