Environmental science homework help

part 1:
Please addressing CAS2 step3 in SUS 304 Personal Sustainability Action Plan Fall 2020-1 (1) TABLE
part 2:
ReflectionFor CSA 2, you were required to create a personal sustainability action plan including 8 goals.  I would like you to take the opportunity to check in with your plan, and reflect both on your progress toward meeting your goals as well as how you’ve structured your plan in terms of chosen indicators, ease of collecting data and alignment to goals.
Select 3 of your SMART goalsto focus on for this assignment and for each one:
A.    Report on your progress toward the goal.  Include baseline data and the trend you have observed over the last few weeks if appropriate. (50-100 words, 5 points for each goal)
B.    Reflect on your chosen indicator.  Has it been feasible for you to monitor that indicator over the last few weeks? Why or why not? (25-50 words, 3 points for each goal)
C.    What barriers have you encountered while trying to achieve your goal?  What efforts have you taken to overcome these barriers or what efforts could you take in the future to overcome these barriers? If you have not encountered barriers, would you consider making your goal more ambitious?  (50-75 words, 5 points for each goal)
D.   Have there been any unexpected impacts or outcomes because of the change(s) you have implemented in trying to achieve this goal?  Consider impacts to yourself and to those around you. (25-50 words, 3 points for each goal)
E.    Based on your experience over the last few weeks, your responses above and information you’ve learned in the last 3 weeks of the course (since the CSA2 due date), how would you modify your goal, chosen indicator, frequency of assessment, etc. to better align them to the changes you’d like to see in your life. (50-100 words, 5 points for each goal)
F.Reflect on the broader systems and technologies associated with your goal.  Chose one system or technology and describe one transformative change (consider complete system overhauls) that would improve sustainability in the area surrounding your goal (increasing positive impacts and/or decreasing negative impacts) for a wider population.  Include information from Project Drawdown or other sources to describe this transformation and potential impacts. Be sure to include parenthetical citations and a reference list using APA style. (125-200 words, 15 points for each goal)
You are welcome to complete the prompts above for 3 additional SMART goals for up to 15 extra credit points for each.

Environmental science homework help

Create a project log to keep track of your progress on the carbon footprint Assignment. A template is provided in Course Resources. In a paragraph, describe:

  • How much time did you have to invest to work on your project (changed activity/behavior selected) this week?
  • Were there any surprises as you executed the first week of this project? Was it easier or more difficult than you expected?
  • Add any other notable observations made (e.g., have you seen changes in people around you as a result of your progress made?).

Take time to reflect on your progress daily when possible, but at least twice a week.

Environmental science homework help

Consider your work environment, domain of interest, or everyday life, and identify two variables that are positively correlated and two variables that are negatively correlated. Explain why your correlation examples are positive and negative. Review a peer example, and discuss areas of difference.
Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.”
Friendly reminder to begin your Discussion Initial Post as early in the week as possible. Waiting till the end of the Unit sacrifices your learning, sharing and communication with one another.
Kindly address the discussion question(s) submitting a reflective response. Reflective defined is characterized by or manifesting careful thought : a thoughtful essay. occupied with or given to thought ; contemplative; meditative; reflective: in a thoughtful mood, careful, heedful, or mindful.
There are various examples of variables that a person can observe in daily life, and while some of them are positively correlated, others are negatively correlated. Correlation acts as a representative of the relationship that two variables have (Weaver et al., 2017). Two of the variables that I perceive to have a positive correlation include a day’s temperature and the number of individuals that purchase ice cream. I often observe that whenever the day’s temperature is above average, the number of people who purchase ice cream also increases. On the other hand, when temperatures are cooler than average, it would be quite rare to find a person buying ice cream.
Some of the variables that I have observed having a negative correlation include the number of hours I work and my ability to socialize with people close to me. By evaluating the relationships that different variables have, it is possible for one to provide answers to hypotheses through experiments (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). Thus, I can hypothesize that the longer the time I spend working, the probability of socializing with friends reduces and evaluate the same through an experiment.
Even without conducting an experiment, I can ascertain that the two identified variables have a negative correlation. When I increase the number of hours that I spend at work, I would have less time for recreational activities, including socialization with friends. However, after I reduce the number of hours I spend at work, I would have a broader range of choices whenever I decide to utilize my free time. In this regard, I can socialize with my family members or friends more when I spend less time at work.
Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed     methods approaches (5th ed.). SAGE Publications.
Weaver, K., Morales, V., Dunn, S., Godde, K., & Weaver, P. (2017). An introduction to     statistical analysis in research. John Wiley & Sons.

Environmental science homework help

 Watch the documentary Blue Gold: Water Wars, and answer the following questions:

  1. How many liters of water does it take to produce 1 apple in California? ____________
  2. In South Africa, water meters run on __________. A house burned down because the owners

and the neighbors couldn’t afford to run the water. As a consequence _____ _________   died.

  1. Cochabamba is a city in which country?  _________________
  2. Which groups of people were protesting about water privatization? ____________  and ______________
  3. Which country has the US established a military base in, allegedly to gain control over a major aquifer. ____________
  4. Which former president owns thousands of acres of land in the same region. _______________
  5. This region of the world has been described as the Middle _______  of ________.
  6. The name of the company ‘kicked out’ of the region was ___________.
  7. Name some ways in which water usage in the United States could be reduced:
  8. How do you think we should approach the question of water availability on a global scale? Should it be a right? Is putting a price on it the fairest, or only way to distribute it? Give reasons for your answer.


Environmental science homework help

There are 15 points available for this assignment. To get a high grade you should expect to answer each question in detail, at least a paragraph or two in response to each prompt. The assignment is due on Thursday, December 10th at 11.00pm. No exceptions!!!!     The assignment should be submitted as a pdf or .docx file, through Sakai.
Based on your viewing of the Bitter Seeds documentary, and the supplementary readings answer these questions:

  1. First, based solely on your viewing of the documentary, answer this question – ’Who do you think bears most responsibility for this problem, and what do you think should be done to reduce the number of farmer suicides?’

Next, read the three articles linked to on the Sakai course site. One is a Guardian article, One is a response from Monsanto, one is an article in a magazine (Mother Jones). The three have different explanations for the farmer suicides. Refer in detail to the articles cited, using quotations if you are directly quoting material.
2. What does each of the articles identify as the main cause behind the rise in farmer suicides?
3. Which of these explanations do you find most convincing? Why?
4. Which of these explanations do you find least convincing? Why?
5. Having now read the readings, read the final one – India’s solution to this problem. Do you think this is a major step in the right direction? Is it enough?
6. Finally, I would like you to think of a core concept in the class textbook. In trying to think about globalization and complex global issues coming together in one place, what we put at the center of our focus is critical. Do we value the sustainability of the planet, of people or of the economy as the most important thing. In the case of cotton growing, especially genetically modified cotton grown in India, what do you feel is the most important thing to focus on, and the biggest challenge to overcome. Support your answer with a reference or two to strengthen your argument.
Here is the link of the video
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