Philosophy homework help

 MY paper is alrady due. It’s 5 pages. I need it done as fast as possible. 
Kindly let me know when you can complete it. see the attached details for clear info.
1 Essay Question A recurrent theme that runs through the various philosophies is some form of “happiness.” Think of John Stuart Mill’s writings of “higher pleasures,” or Bentham’s “happiness calculus”, or Aristotle’s “eudaimonia”, or Rand’s idea of “selfishness” just to name a few. What we are talking about are the ethical actions that identify us as human—in the best way possible. We all strive to self-actualize, to become the best that we can be. Sometimes we succeed and sometimes we fail, but if we have done our best with an ethical consideration of others, then it helps define us as good people. Your task is to identify who you are and who you want to be. Ask yourself things like what are your “higher pleasures,” or what makes you “happy”? Include the following, but feel free to add to this: 1. What is “happiness”? (remember, this is not always a momentary concept) 2. What actions have you done to achieve happiness? Give two or three examples. 3. A “right” action must be ethical (although it need not conform to societal standards). What made your actions ethical or “right”? Justify your answer. 4. What do your actions say about your values and concept as a person? 5. Choose someone you think exemplifies the ideal ethical person. Explain who and why. 6. Compare your actions (from #3 and #4) to the person in #5. 7. Conclusion: Where to you go from here? How can you better achieve happiness, in its highest sense?
  • attachment


Philosophy homework help

assignment is attached and a copy of chapter 11 is attached as well
reference to the book is
Wilkens, Steve, and Alan G. Padgett. Introduction to Philosophy: Christianity and the Big
Questions. Waco, TX: Baylor University Press, 2018.

Philosophy homework help

You will be given nine ethical issues for analysis under each heading.  You are required to respond in no less than 150 words per ethical issue.
This assignment can be submitted either via text entry box or file upload.
This final assignment will be due on Friday December 4th 2020.

Please form your own opinion regarding each ethical issue below and respond using the following guide as a template for your responses:

  1. Consider all significant consequences – direct and indirect; obvious and subtle; immediate and delayed; physical, emotional, and intellectual; intended and unintended—of the action on the person performing the act as well as on others.
  2. Consider any obligations that might exist among the individuals involved—for example, contractual obligations, obligations of friendship or citizenship, and business or professional obligations.
  3. Consider relevant ideas – including prudence, justice, temperance, courage, loving kindness, honesty, compassion, forgiveness, repentance, reparation, gratitude, and beneficence.
  4. Identify the various alternative responses to the situation. Note that this step may require you to use your imagination.
  5. Decide which option is ethically preferable. If two responses produce good or two produce harm, choose the one that produces the greater good or the lesser harm.


  • Under what circumstances, if any, is it morally justifiable for grade school or high school teachers to hit students?


  • For a number of years, it has been widely recognized that TV has the potential to be the greatest educational device in history. (This includes not just what is presently considered educational TV but commercial TV as well.) Does the TV industry have any moral obligation to realize that potential? If so, explain the source of that obligation and the kinds of changes in present programming that would be necessary to honor it.


  • What are the ethical considerations that arise in cases where people undergo sex-change operations? Are there any situations in which it would not be ethically justifiable to have such an operation?


  • Many countries have outlawed the death penalty. The United States, as a country, has not, although many people believe it should. Evaluate the morality of the death penalty.


  • Often the penalty for white-collar crime is considerably less than for street crime. Someone who makes millions of dollars in illegal insider trading in stocks, for example, will spend less time in jail than someone who steals a car. Moreover, he will serve his time in a comparatively comfortable facility. Is this difference in punishment morally justifiable?


  • It is fairly common today to read of professional athletes refusing to sign contracts with their teams until they are given higher salaries. These demands, which can be for millions of dollars, are regarded by team owners as a form of blackmail. The players, however, believe that their skills are a salable commodity and that they are justified in getting as high a salary as they can bargain for. Are such demands justifiable? Are they so only in certain circumstances? Explain.


  • Jack Kevorkian (also called “Dr. Death”) achieved notoriety and a prison sentence by assisting terminally ill people in committing suicide. He provided them with a specially designed machine that allowed them to push a button and release a fatal dose of anesthesia into their bloodstream. Kevorkian believed that what he did was not immoral. In fact, he spoke of the “goodness of planned death” and dismissed criticisms of him as “emotionalism.” Discuss the ethical questions surrounding Kevorkian’s medical “specialty.”


  • Transplants of organs such as the heart and the kidneys are now routine procedures. Before too long, scientists assure us, the transplant of the brain will also be a reality. Will such an operation ever be ethically justifiable? In answering, be sure to consider the various activities of the brain and their influence on personal identity.


  • A soldier’s thinking about war may change during his service. For example, after experiencing his first real battle and seeing human beings lying dead or in the agony of pain, a soldier might be prompted to embrace pacifism and request discharge or transfer to a noncombat unit. Such a request would not be looked on favorably by his superiors and usually would be denied. Because the man had accepted training as a combat soldier, they would reason, he would be obligated to finish his term of service. Is this reasoning morally sound? Would it be morally acceptable for the soldier to continue fighting, even though he objected to it on principle?


Philosophy homework help

in chapter two we covered several arguments that deal with whether or not there is mind or only a physical brain that directs thinking. Take a position whether you think there is a mind separate from the body (brain)and explain how, given your choice you think the two interact. Alternatively you may take the position that there is only a physical brain that directs thinking and explain how one would account for the operations usually ascribed to mind. You should begin by stating the position you want to defend and say whether or not you agree with this argument. If you disagree with this argument take any of the counter arguments for the opposing position and be sure to: (1) give a brief outline of this argument, (2) tell me what its strong points are, and (3) subject it to a thought experiment of your own design (that means, don’t copy from the book), to show why mind separate from the physical body is not a viable position.  Finally, discuss how this issue affects you at a personal level.
(Second Choice) In chapter 3 you learned about issues and arguments associated with the question of free will. The issue I would like you to discuss is whether you think free will and voluntary action is possible and how you would explain why we are free even though the universe around us operates according to a fixed and fully determined set of laws. In other words how is it possible, if in fact is possible, to act in a voluntary manner (meaning we all take full responsibility for our actions), while all the laws of nature seem to say otherwise. Take a position whether you think free will is possible. You should begin by stating the determinist position and say whether or not you agree with this argument. If you agree with this argument take any of the counter arguments for freedom of the will and be sure to: (1) give a brief outline of this argument, (2) tell me what its strong points are, and (3) subject it to a thought experiment of your own design (that means, don’t copy from the book), to show why free will is a viable position.  Finally, discuss how this issue affects you at a personal level.
1. the minimum word count for these essays is 800. When you submit them please be sure to use the ecampus HTML link (associated with each paper assignment), feature to deliver the paper Please do not email them to meThe deadline for the submission of these papers is the last day of regularly scheduled class. The purpose of these papers is to focus on one argument or theory. The goal is not to do research (looking up stuff in the library) but to focus your thoughts on one argument or one position and dig deep. Your grade on these papers will be primarily based on the clarity of your writing, the command of the material and the “depth” of your explanations. (Which side of the issue you are on is completely irrelevant).You should also briefly explain the effect this assignment has had on your view of the subject.(i.e., has the assignment strengthened your initial position, or has it been altered as a result of doing the assignment, and explain how. You will also be graded according your ability to create an informed personal response to a philosophical problem by writing an essay in which you develop and defend your personal response to a selected philosophical problem.

Philosophy homework help

You will be given nine ethical issues for analysis under each heading.  You are required to respond in no less than 150 words per ethical issue.
This assignment can be submitted either via text entry box or file upload.
This final assignment will be due on Friday December 4th 2020.

Philosophy homework help

You will be given nine ethical issues for analysis under each heading.  You are required to respond in no less than 150 words per ethical issue.
This assignment can be submitted either via text entry box or file upload.
This final assignment will be due on Friday December 4th 2020.

Philosophy homework help

Respond to the following prompt with a reasoned argument. Support your position with textual evidence from at least two texts we have read during this course.

  • In the introduction, describe what it would mean to live a life that is consistent with what you know to be real. Be sure to formulate your answer in a main claim/thesis that outlines a metaphysical account of reality and an epistemological account of how we know that reality.
  • In the body of your essay, provide an argument supported by textual evidence for your conception of a life lived in accordance with reality. Indicate what metaphysical and epistemological assumptions or principles would inform your way of life? Support your argument with textual evidence from a at least two author’s we read during the course. Be sure that all claims are supported by textual evidence, and that all direct and indirect references to an author or text are properly cited.
  • In the response to objections section, raise and respond to at least one objection to your main claim regarding what constitutes a life lived in accordance with reality.
  • In the conclusion, think through the consequences of understanding your life in the way you have described and how would your life be different from the way it is now.

Philosophy homework help

**STEP 1 is the wrong topic, the topic should be related to Organizational Leadership with an emphasis on Diversity & Inclusion** (anything close will be accepted) Please review the feedback on the attachments provided**
The goal of this assignment is to integrate Step One, Step Two, Step Three, and Step Four of your research proposal. The research proposal should be at least 15 pages (but not more than 25 pages), double-spaced, not including your title page, abstract, Appendix, and references page, and should contain the following sections:
1. Title Page
2. Abstract
3. Introduction: Explain your topic. Make a case for why this topic is important to the field of psychology.
a. Research questions you have developed for your topic: Conclude your discussion of the research topic by identifying specific research question(s) about the relationships between two or more concepts.
4. Literature Review: A minimum of 8 pages on the 5-7 articles you selected: Read your articles thoroughly and provide a literature review that synthesizes what was theorized and discovered about regarding your topic. Do not write separate “summaries” for each article; rather, find connected themes or relationships in the different areas you cover. Use these relationships to frame your discussion of how variables were indicated, samples were obtained, and research designs were constructed. Are there any gaps or weaknesses present in the literature that can be investigated further? You will not necessarily refer to all the information from each article; instead, relate only that which is relevant to your topic and research question. Thus, your literature review should justify your study and support why conducting your proposed study would answer a problem that is not already well understood. Information should be drawn from appropriate sources, such as professional journals, books, and dissertations. Information gathered from literature sources must be appropriately cited, following APA guidelines.
5. Hypotheses: Considering your research question or statement of the problem, formulate a null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis for each of your research questions.
a. Dependent and independent variables: Operationally define the dependent and independent variables for each hypothesis.
6. Method: Describe detailed information about how your study will be conducted. Include the following in your method sections:
a. Participant Selection: Explain who your participants will be and what method you will use to select them. Be specific as possible as if you were giving directions to someone on how to choose and obtain the participants.  Include instructions on how to get informed consent from the participants. Be sure to discuss how informed consent, privacy, anonymity, and confidentiality will be addressed in the study.
b. Data Collection Measure: Discuss how you will collect the data (observations, surveys, documents, etc.). Thus, who will be collecting the data, where will the data collection occur, what measures are you using to collect the data, how will the data be recorded, etc.?  Include a copy of the survey or systematic observation you developed in an Appendix.
c. Research Design: Discuss the research design (either experimental, factorial, quasi-experimental, or non experimental), that you will use to examine your variables.
7. Discussion:  Provide a discussion of the following information:
a. Validity: Describe any potential threats to the internal and external validity of your proposed study. Do you believe the results can be generalized to other populations?
b. Strengths and Weaknesses: Describe any strengths or weaknesses with respect to the proposed sampling, design, and data collection methods. What will not be “proven” though your study?
c. Ethical Considerations: What impact might participation in this study have on participants in the short and long-term? If there are relevant ethical issues, discuss them along with possible solutions.
8. References Page: The references page should be formatted according to APA style.
9. Appendix of your data collection measure.
Sampling Part3 Part2 Part1

Philosophy homework help

The  paper should address the theme of ‘Ethics and Art,’ which brings  together the readings from the fourth part of our course (Xingjian,  Borges, Lispector, Achebe).
I would like you to write a short essay of 1000 to 1200 words (in Times New Roman -12 point font, 1.5 spacing, with a Title at the beginning, and a Works Cited page at the end).
Again, you are asked to take a position on one (or two) of the readings and/or stories that we have examined in this fourth part of the course.
What this means is that you can write your paper entirely on one of the readings or stories from Part IV of the course:
1. Gao Xingjian (The Case for Literature)
2. Jorge Luis Borges (The Secret Miracle)
3. Clarice Lispector (Love (“Amor”))
4. Chinua Achebe (The Madman)
Or, you can compare two of the readings/stories:
1. Xingjian and (any of the stories)
2. Borges’ The Secret Miracle and Lispector’s Love (“Amor”)
3. Lispector’s Love (“Amor”) and Achebe’s The Madman
4. Achebe’s The Madman and Borges’ The Secret Miracle
As before, the main point of the assignment is that you take a position in your essay on the reading(s), and/or, story (or stories).
In  close detail, and from the texts that we have read, clearly and  accurately describe the main ethical issues presented in the story (or  stories), and/or, the reading.
Also, how do you personally relate (or not) to the characters in the story, or to the reading itself?
Above  all, as you were required to do in your previous papers, take a clear  argumentative position, and argue for it convincingly throughout your  essay.
Suggested Questions and Topic:
As  before, you are free to develop your own original topic for the essay,  as it relates to the readings we have read in this fourth part of the  course.
You  are also free to bring back certain theories and ideas from earlier  parts of the course, if they will help to strengthen your main thesis  (i.e., any of the philosophers that we have looked at in the course).
Here are two suggested essay topics that may help to guide you with the assignment.
1. (Ethics and Literature)
How is the theme of ethics central to Gao Xingjian’s essay and Nobel lecture, The Case for Literature  (2000)? What are the main ideals and qualities that Xingjian argues are  essential for an individual writer? How have the politics and history  of the twentieth century affected Xingjian’s ideas about ethics and  literature? And finally, and most importantly, do you agree or disagree  with Xingjian’s views about ethics and literature, and why?
2. (Short Stories and Ethics)
Each  of the three stories that we have read presents an individual in the  midst of an ethical “crisis.” Each story also asks us to reflect upon  this crisis in relation to the four themes of our course (ethics and  knowledge, ethics and the individual, ethics and society, and ethics and  art).
In  “The Secret Miracle” (1944), by the Argentinian writer, Jorge Luis  Borges, we find a character, Jaromir Hladik, who is sentenced to death  by a firing squad, during the Second World War in Prague.
In  “Love (“Amor”)” (1960), by the Brazilian author, Clarice Lispector, we  follow a day in the life of a woman who experiences a strange “crisis”  on a tram in Rio de Janeiro.
And  in “The Madman” (1972), by the Nigerian novelist, Chinua Achebe, we  follow the events in the lives of two villagers who each go into town to  a market.
In your essay, choose One or Two of the stories, and answer the following questions:
i).  What is the central “crisis” that the main character(s) experiences in  the story? And how do you interpret the crisis and the character’s  actions in relation to ethics?
ii).  Does the story (or stories) you choose to write about in your essay  remind you of any of the ethical themes and questions that we have  examined so far in the course, and how? (i.e., are there any clear  ethical theories and philosophers that come to mind from our readings?)
iii).  How did the story (or stories) affect you as a reader? How did it make  you feel? Does the way the story is written influence your  interpretation? And if so, how might the aesthetic qualities of the  story be understood in relation to the main ethical themes and questions  that we have been examining in the course?
(As always, please remember to use examples from the text to support your arguments).