Psychology homework help

Explaining a process to someone else can enhance your own understanding. In this assignment, you will gain a better understanding of the helping skills necessary to facilitate the intake and assessment procedures.
Imagine you are training a new human service worker on the intake and assessment process at a correctional facility. You must outline the elements of intake interviewing and explain the skills that it will take to facilitate the assessment process with clients.
Create a 700- to 1,050-word manual for your trainee, in which you:

  • Describe the purpose of the intake interview.
  • Explain the elements involved in intake interviewing.
  • Describe the assessment process.
  • Describe the skills needed to facilitate the assessment process.

Include a minimum of 2 sources.
Format any citations within your manual according to APA guidelines.

>Psychology homework help

Imagine you are a corrections professional working in a prison. You come across an inmate who appears to be under the influence of a drug. You take action against the inmate and immediately remove him from the rest of the population. You must now justify your actions through a presentation to your immediate supervisor.
Obtain an instructor-assigned drug from the following list:

  • Methamphetamine

Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation explaining the situation and justifying your actions to your supervisor. Include the following:

  • Describe the symptoms you observed that led you to believe the inmate was under the influence of a drug.
  • Describe the physiological effects of the drug you believe the inmate used.
  • Describe the possible consequences of leaving the inmate with the general population.
  • Explain why you do or do not believe other inmates are using the substance, as well.
  • Propose a plan for determining if the substance is being sold within the prison.

Include detailed speaker notes.
Include a minimum of two sources.
Format any citations in your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

>Psychology homework help

Imagine you are a corrections professional working in a prison. You come across an inmate who appears to be under the influence of a drug. You take action against the inmate and immediately remove him from the rest of the population. You must now justify your actions through a presentation to your immediate supervisor.
Obtain an instructor-assigned drug from the following list:

  • Methamphetamine

Create an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation explaining the situation and justifying your actions to your supervisor. Include the following:

  • Describe the symptoms you observed that led you to believe the inmate was under the influence of a drug.
  • Describe the physiological effects of the drug you believe the inmate used.
  • Describe the possible consequences of leaving the inmate with the general population.
  • Explain why you do or do not believe other inmates are using the substance, as well.
  • Propose a plan for determining if the substance is being sold within the prison.

Include detailed speaker notes.
Include a minimum of two sources.
Format any citations in your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.

Psychology homework help

Navigate to the Pearson Assessment website. Identify an assessment that could be used in a diagnosis. What is the assessment and what is the diagnosis? What are the attributes to be aware of when considering how to match the client and the test?
Min 150 words with 1 in text citation

Psychology homework help

From your textbook and any other readings on sexual development, briefly discuss both biological and social contributions to the development of sexual identity and development.  Be sure your discussion includes both biological and social aspects of development across the lifespan.  Include  both same-sex and opposite sex identities in your discussion.
Then, provide at least one scripture that supports or forbids same-sex behavior.  It is important to distinguish between attraction and behavior in this part of the discussion.  Do you believe it is a sin to be attracted (tempted) to a person of the same-sex?  Do you believe it is a sin to act on that temptation by practicing homosexual behavior?  Do you believe the attraction is a product of “ nature” (biological) or “nurture” (social) or both?
Note, do not simply discuss what you “think” or “feel”.  Rather give valid bases for your answers.  These can include both scripture and scientific bases.  Just be sure to think critically regarding your sources and the application to your position.
Briefly discuss the similarities and differences between Kohlberg’s and Fowler’s stages of moral development.  You may need to go outside your textbook for more information (be sure to cite your sources and include the full reference at the bottom).  Do you believe moral development can be explained in stages such as these?  If so, why?  If not, offer an alternative explanation to moral development across the lifespan.
Briefly discuss each of the four Adult Attachment Styles in your textbook (see table 14.1 in Sigelman & Rider 2018, 9th ed.).  You could also use additional sources to consider infant as well as adult attachment styles.  Which one do you think would be fit you and why?  If you prefer not to use yourself as an example, choose any one of the styles and give a hypothetical example of how that interaction might look in “real life”.
Every person is like every other person.
Every person is like some other person.
Every person is like no other person.
(Adapted from Kluckhohn & Murray, 1948, p. 35)
Take a few moments to consider this poem.  Based on what you have learned in the study of human development across the lifespan, and especially focusing on parenting styles and family issues, how would you apply the three sentiments in the poem to young adult and adult development?  In what ways are each of these lines true of all humans?  How might we use and understanding of these ideas to both improve the development of humans (e.g. child development programs, parent training, etc.), as well as to understand why people are the way they are?  What might this teach us about perspectives of others in regards to race, personality, behaviors, and other differences from a human development perspective?
Review Kubler-Ross’s stages of dying.  How might these same or similar stages be experienced by grieving loved ones after a person’s death?  Do you think grief can be understood in the context of “stages”?  Why or why not?
How would you use your understanding of lifespan development issues to help comfort those who have lost loved ones, or someone who is nearing death?
Include in your discussion how a view of God and eternity might affect how a person grieves, including different views of hope and hopelessness.
Identify one or more primary concepts of development from this course that you believe could most contribute to your development in your career, parenting, self-awareness, and/or life goals.  In what ways might you use the concepts you have learned in this course to help others with their life goals or struggles?  In other words, what have you learned from this course, and how will you apply it to your life and career?
(Note – this Db does NOT require replies to other students and will be graded only on the initial content.  Replies to other student are encouraged, however.  It also does not require the use of sources, however if you do reference specific information from a source, it should be cited,)

Psychology homework help

From your textbook and any other readings on sexual development, briefly discuss both biological and social contributions to the development of sexual identity and development.  Be sure your discussion includes both biological and social aspects of development across the lifespan.  Include  both same-sex and opposite sex identities in your discussion.
Then, provide at least one scripture that supports or forbids same-sex behavior.  It is important to distinguish between attraction and behavior in this part of the discussion.  Do you believe it is a sin to be attracted (tempted) to a person of the same-sex?  Do you believe it is a sin to act on that temptation by practicing homosexual behavior?  Do you believe the attraction is a product of “ nature” (biological) or “nurture” (social) or both?
Note, do not simply discuss what you “think” or “feel”.  Rather give valid bases for your answers.  These can include both scripture and scientific bases.  Just be sure to think critically regarding your sources and the application to your position.
Briefly discuss the similarities and differences between Kohlberg’s and Fowler’s stages of moral development.  You may need to go outside your textbook for more information (be sure to cite your sources and include the full reference at the bottom).  Do you believe moral development can be explained in stages such as these?  If so, why?  If not, offer an alternative explanation to moral development across the lifespan.
Briefly discuss each of the four Adult Attachment Styles in your textbook (see table 14.1 in Sigelman & Rider 2018, 9th ed.).  You could also use additional sources to consider infant as well as adult attachment styles.  Which one do you think would be fit you and why?  If you prefer not to use yourself as an example, choose any one of the styles and give a hypothetical example of how that interaction might look in “real life”.
Every person is like every other person.
Every person is like some other person.
Every person is like no other person.
(Adapted from Kluckhohn & Murray, 1948, p. 35)
Take a few moments to consider this poem.  Based on what you have learned in the study of human development across the lifespan, and especially focusing on parenting styles and family issues, how would you apply the three sentiments in the poem to young adult and adult development?  In what ways are each of these lines true of all humans?  How might we use and understanding of these ideas to both improve the development of humans (e.g. child development programs, parent training, etc.), as well as to understand why people are the way they are?  What might this teach us about perspectives of others in regards to race, personality, behaviors, and other differences from a human development perspective?
Review Kubler-Ross’s stages of dying.  How might these same or similar stages be experienced by grieving loved ones after a person’s death?  Do you think grief can be understood in the context of “stages”?  Why or why not?
How would you use your understanding of lifespan development issues to help comfort those who have lost loved ones, or someone who is nearing death?
Include in your discussion how a view of God and eternity might affect how a person grieves, including different views of hope and hopelessness.
Identify one or more primary concepts of development from this course that you believe could most contribute to your development in your career, parenting, self-awareness, and/or life goals.  In what ways might you use the concepts you have learned in this course to help others with their life goals or struggles?  In other words, what have you learned from this course, and how will you apply it to your life and career?
(Note – this Db does NOT require replies to other students and will be graded only on the initial content.  Replies to other student are encouraged, however.  It also does not require the use of sources, however if you do reference specific information from a source, it should be cited,)

Psychology homework help

Due 12/26
The accuracy of the results of research data is partially dependant on the sample that was used in the research study. How large the sample, its specific characteristics, and how it was selected, all play a significant role in how “good” the research results will be. Without appropriate sample size, characteristics, and selection, the results will be less than optimal. To this point, forensic psychology professionals often use existing databases from which to draw the data for their research; that is, they obtain their sample from these data bases. The problem with doing this is that the researcher does not have input into the sample represented in the data, such as how and from whom it was collected.
To prepare for this assignment:

  • Review Chapter 6 in your course text, Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences. Pay particular attention to when and where surveys are used in forensic research and the importance of representative sampling.
  • Review the selected pages of Appendix B in your course text, Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences. Pay close attention to the role of sample size in applying results to the general population.
  • Using the Walden Library, select a forensic psychology research article that interests you. As you review it, focus on the section(s) discussing methods and results.
  • Consider how the sample size, sample characteristics, and means of sample selection influenced the results of the study.

The assignment (1–3 pages):

  • Briefly summarize the forensic psychology research article you selected, including the sections on methods and results, paying particular attention to sample size, characteristics, and means of selection.
  • Explain how the sample size, sample characteristics, and sample selection influenced the results of the study and why.

Psychology homework help

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
*** 3 different answers to this question*****
Considering the Code of Ethics of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, do you think ethical advertising is less effective, as effective, or more effective than unethical advertising? Why?

Psychology homework help

Examine the case study “The People’s Bank of Bradbury” found in the Module Resources folder and describe the problems and issues therein. Discuss how the leader’s style and approach could have led to the problems experienced by the organization. Suggest possible solutions.
  • attachment
