Reading homework help

Final Project
Your assignment consists of several parts.
1. Select one case study on which to conduct a Behavioral Support Plan. Choose
between, Pablo, Dana, Sarah, or Sashi. ONLY ONE CASE STUDY IS REQUIRED.
2. Read your chosen case study’s biography (provided in the module).
3. Complete a Support Planning Chart for your chosen case study. The document
provided in the module should allow you to type directly into the document and
respond to the questions. Please be thorough and reflective with your answers. Use
information provided to you throughout the course thus far.
4. Using all the material gathered throughout the course, provide a summary of how
best to respond to the child’s behaviors demonstrating supportive measuresthat
could be used to prevent, replace, and replace behaviors with stronger social and
emotional skills. Use Tim’s plan (module 6) as an example.
An example of how best to complete this assignment is provided in the example of Tim
(Module 6). This assignment is due at the end of the semester as stated in the syllabus and
course calendar.

Reading homework help

(Modification of the Group Adventure Project)
Total Points: 100 Points
You can have a virtual/phone conversation with a person/people in your main groups (friend, family or romantic partner). You can choose to contact someone you have not spoken to in a while or connect to someone you talk to often. Because we are using technology to connect with others, with this option, you will focus on your feelings about long-distance interpersonal communication.
Paper instructions: You will write a two page, double-spaced paper about your experiences. Here are some questions to help guide your essay.

  • Why did you choose this person to connect with digitally?
  • What are some of the activities you used to do before social distancing?
  • How do you plan to stay connected/maintain a relationship with this person?
  • What are your plans with this person once social distancing is lifted?
  • Do you still feel connected to this person despite not being able to see them often/or at all?
  • After the social distancing time is over, will your perspective about spending time with your loved one change?
  • You can discuss any other insights from this project.

Reading homework help

The purpose of this assignment is for you (a member of the public) to review a station’s performance to determine whether it is living up to its licensing requirement TO SERVE THE PUBLIC’s INTEREST, CONVENIENCE or NECESSITY (PICON). 
This is the most important part of this semester-long assignment. Based upon the information you discovered about your station the past weeks (profile, programming, communication, etc.), you will write a brief summary of findings making the case for or against the license renewal for this station in terms of:

  • How it is (or is not) serving PICON the Public’s Interest, Convenience or Necessity especially in terms of localism (serving the local people it is licensed to serve)
  • You cannot make this determination without a thorough presentation of how you are defining culture and the concept of “the public’s interest” (based upon your Media Watchdog review).
    You are evaluating the station you chose in Part 1 to research this semester. YOU ARE NOT doing an evaluation of your Watchdog organization. You shouldn’t even talk about the WATCHDOG unless you are discussing how it prepared you to come up with your own definition of PICON.

Reading homework help

I will include my papers I have written over the semester that you can get ideas from and reword for this paper.
You will also be able to find 8 of the 5 theorists she requires in my papers and a summary of what they stood for.
Final Paper (70 points)Write an 8 page paper (8 pages of text, include a bibliography at the end) that explores course readings and themes in greater detail. Develop an original thesis and support your argument with the texts from the course. In the paper you should:

  1. Use at least 5 theorists from course readings to analyze some aspect of popular culture, daily life or social interactions, politics, literature, art, etc. Develop an original thesis statement and support your argument.
  2. Take issue with a theory or theorist we have read.  In this case, you will need to use other sources (in addition to the one you critique, either from course readings or from outside sources) to back up your claims.
  3. Put two or more theorists from course readings in conversation with one another to expand on or develop a key debate within feminist theory.

Based on the general description of the final paper on the syllabus, as well as the detailed approach to Critical Response papers, keep the grade criteria below in mind as you create your final papers.
REMINDER: Please write a paper on a topic YOU are genuinely exited about. Also, keep in mind your REAL BAD NEWS citations should engage communities (agencies/organizations, scholars, libraries, legal issues) you are interested in communicating with in the future.
CONTENT (25 points) Use at least 5 theorists from course readings to analyze some aspect of popular culture, daily life or social interactions, politics, literature, art, etc. Develop an original thesis statement and support your argument. Weave in themes from your Critical Response papers, but do not simply just combine the papers as they are. Develop an argument and use the former papers (or new info from course readings) as evidence to support your main idea. This is basis of your work.
STRUCTURE (25 points)Of the five theorists, put two or more of them from course readings in conversation with one another to expand on or develop a key debate within feminist theory. Though you will reference several theorists from the course, focus on two main thinkers to represent your exploration of a topic related to your present or future academic/professional interests.
SOURCES (20 points)Take issue with a theory or theorist we have read.  In this case, you will need to use other sources (in addition to the one you critique, either from course readings or from outside sources) to back up your claims. Incorporate the REAL BAD NEWS source types to supplement your analysis of the course reading. Of the 15 source types listed on the source guide, use at least 10 types.


Social media platforms are easy for designers to insert addictive designs, because social media has long been integrated into people’s lives. This addictive design by designers and application developers ignores the mental health of most users, so it deserves more people’s supervision and attention as a social issue.
To support your position statement, you’ll then construct a brief that offers the most compelling arguments and evidence in support of your position. For the example above, your brief would need to support the assertion that (a) housing advertising is ripe for discrimination; and (b) the use of digital advertising platforms for such discriminatory practices is a problem that demands intervention.
Your brief should be no more than one page in length, single-spaced. Again, I’m asking you to be clear and concise.


Discussion Board
Big Question:
How might climate change affect infectious disease?
Step 1:Watch the video (Links to an external site.) produced by AAAS Science on how climate change can impact infectious diseases.
Step 2: Write a response to this video and comment on your reaction to the information as presented. What question(s) would you have posed to the panel if you were watching this “live”? Can you make any connections from the Chapter 14 on this topic?
For this assignment, your grade will be based on your:

  • Attention to the prompt: Be sure to respond to all parts of the prompt and questions given. Reference the prompt and questions in your response so your contribution to the discussion is clear to other students.
  • Inclusion of course materials: Engagement with the course materials is required, as is citation of sources. You must reference some part of the course material, either the textbook or the recorded lectures, but formal citation of these materials is not required. To cite the textbook, put the page number you’re referencing in parentheses at the end of the sentence, e.g.: (pg. 123). To cite a recorded lecture, use the title of the video and an approximate timestamp: (Lecture: Racism, 05:30). If you use outside sources, cite these properly and include a bibliography.
  • Word count and spelling/grammar/syntax: Your initial response to the prompt should be 300-500 words. Bibliography does not count towards word count. Proofread for spelling and grammar errors and edit for clarity.