Sociology homework help

The purpose of this assignment is to learn about cultural differences in marriage and family life, while connecting with international students on campus.  The objectives are:

  • Promote interaction between international and domestic students
  • Demonstrate an understanding of cultural views of marriage/family life
  • Compare cultural differences in marriage and family life
Part 1: Interview 

You will be conducting an interview with an international student on campus.  The purpose of the interview is to learn about cross-cultural differences in marriage and family life.  Think about what topic you would like to know more about…marriage, cohabitation, divorce, singlehood, family living arrangements, etc.  To prepare, write 8-10 questions to guide the interview.  Select from the following or write your own (with approval from the instructor):

  • What are the main reasons that people get married in your culture? Do they marry for love?
  • What is the typical age that people start dating and get married in your culture?
  • How do relationships start?  Are they arranged? What is dating like?
  • How do you go about getting engaged in your culture?
  • How are multicultural marriages viewed in your culture?
  • How important is it that you marry someone of the same race? …the same religion? Please explain.
  • Describe your family living situation.
  • What is the typical family size? Who is considered the head of the household?
  • How important is family?
  • How does your culture view divorce?  What does it mean to be a divorced person in your culture?
  • How does your culture view single parenting?
  • How does your culture view cohabitation?
  • How does your culture view adults who remain single?
  • What family rituals or traditions are important to you?

During the interview, you are to ask questions, listen, and take notes (you may record with permission of the interviewee, but that is not required).  You may not get to every question on your list, and you certainly may ask follow up questions to the comments made by the interviewee.

Part 2: Interview Summary

As soon as you can after the interview, you should type up the interview summary from your sets of notes.  Write down everything you remember about the responses.   Use a pseudonym for the student (not the real name).  Include the age and home country of the student.  Please include the following heading at the top of your interview summary: An Interview with _____ (pseudonym), age _____, from ______
Date and Location of Interview: ______

Part 3: Analysis and Reflection Paper

The following questions should guide your reflection:

  • What topics did you want to learn about and why? (1 introductory paragraph)
  • How do the views of this student on marriage, divorce, cohabitation, and/or singlehood reflect the broader views of his/her culture?  Why is knowing about culture important?
  • Connect what you have learned from the interviews to our course material. You should include at least three cited references to course material in your reflection.
  • How are the student’s views and cultural views on marriage, divorce, cohabitation, and/or singlehood different or similar to your own?  Provide examples and a possible explanation.
  • What else would you like to know about this culture in relation to marriage and family? How could you go about learning that?
  • Before this interview, how much interaction did you have with international students on campus? What have you learned about international students from this experience?
  • Describe what you have learned about conducting interviews.  Were there any surprises during the interview?
  • What have you learned about yourself in this process?

On Blackboard’s SafeAssign folder, you will attach two separate files. The first file will be your interview summary (2-3 pages). The second file will be your analysis and reflection paper (3-4 pages, not including bibliography). Your written summary and analysis/reflection must have 1″ margins, Times New Roman font, and be double-spaced. You will turn in TWO files – The Interview Summary and the Analysis and Reflection Paper

Sociology homework help

Do anyone know how to do a basic outline for business plan?

Sociology homework help

Required Readings

Bartol, C. R., & Bartol, A. (2017). Criminal behavior: A psychological approach (11th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.
Chapter 3, “Origins of Criminal Behavior: Biological Factors” (pp. 59-81)
Note: These pages are part of a chapter assigned in Weeks 1 and 4.

Mead, H. K., Beauchaine, T. P., & Shannon, K. E. (2010). Neurobiological adaptations to violence across development. Development and Psychopathology22(1), 1–22.

Thiel, K. S., Baladerian, N. J., Boyce, K. R., Cantos, O., Davis, L. A., Kelly, K., & Stream, J. (2011). Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and victimization: Implications for families, educators, social services, law enforcement, and the judicial system. Journal of Psychiatry & Law, 39(1), 121–157.

Williams, W. H., Chitsabesan, P., Fazel, S., McMillan, T., Hughes, N., Parsonage, M., & Tonks, J. (2018). Traumatic brain injury: a potential cause of violent crime?. The Lancet Psychiatry, 5(10), 836-844. Retrieved from

Wilson, S., & Adshead, G. (2008). When violence becomes a psychiatric symptom. Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology, 15(1), 57–67, 77–79.

Discussion: Neurology and Criminal Behavior

Contemporary research on brain dysfunction is inconclusive about the nature of violent and aggressive behavior. In addition, there is not much research on nonviolent forms of criminal behavior related to brain dysfunction, which leaves unanswered questions about the topic. Additional research—including comprehensive reviews of both sides of the debate—may provide a more complete picture of how neurological impairment influences violent criminal behavior.

By Day 3

Post a brief description of two neurological factors that may be related to criminal behavior. Then, explain what potential they each demonstrate for predicting criminal behavior and why. Use specific examples from the resources and/or your own research.

Note: Put the neurological factors you selected in the first line of your post. You will be asked to respond to a colleague who selected at least one neurological factor that you did not.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the resources.
Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

Sociology homework help

Professional Boundaries
Boundaries are critical in the legal and ethical practice of human service professionals. Before answering the questions, be sure you have read the chapters and watched the videos from the readings in this unit.
Please respond to the following:

  • Why do you think professional boundaries are important in the client–professional relationship? How do they impact the professional interview?
  • Which professional boundaries do you think will be easy to maintain? Which ones do you think you might have more difficulty with? Why?
  • Discuss your thoughts on the professional boundary of self-disclosure. When can it be helpful? When might it be harmful?

Sociology homework help

Select 10 scholarly articles (ALL ARTICLES MUST BE WITHIN THE LAST 10 YEARS) that will support your research paper. Write an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography takes each article and a short paragraph is written stating how the article supports your research paper. Each scholarly article is listed (in APA format) then the paragraph is written.
This means I will be looking for 3 items for each source:
1. The reference.
2. A summary paragraph.
3. A paragraph that states how the article supports your research paper.
No reference list is needed because you are providing references in the assignment.
For an example of an annotated source in APA format, you can go to the OWL at Purdue. Scroll down to the APA Sample.

Sociology homework help

Write about 500 words on the following three points.  Please number your answers to they correspond to the questions so we can grade it easily (points deducted if this is not done).

  1. First — what is the title of the article you chose and who is the author?
  2. What did you learned that was new?  Discuss at least two significant DETAILS.  Be explicit.  Show us you really read.
  3. Describe how the story made you feel as you read it.  Again, be specific.
  4. Explain how you think race shaped the experience of the author AND how do you think race (experience being racialized) shaped your response to the story if at all.
  5. Discuss how information from this course has shaped how you received the information in the story (or how can you connect this to other readings in this course).
  6. Optional but highly encouraged– comment on a peer’s post.

Sociology homework help

Find a journal article online about a company that recently added or dropped a product, or a company that decided to outsource. In the subject line of your post, include the name of the article that you read. Post a link to that article with your initial post, and provide a summary and a reaction to the article. The summary should be approximately 250 words, and the reaction should be approximately 150 words. The summary should describe the major points of the article, and the reaction should demonstrate your interpretation of the article and how you can apply that knowledge. Do not choose an article that one of your classmates has already posted. To participate in follow-up discussion, choose one of the articles that a classmate has posted and provide your own reaction to it.

Sociology homework help

Option 3: Discuss your thoughts on drugs and deviance. Do you think using drugs is deviant behavior? Why do you think alcohol and tobacco are legal drugs and their use is not considered deviant when they are addictive, physically harmful, and socially disruptive?
No quotes or references needed.

Social Science homework help

Please review the DQ forum for this week. Select 2-3 postings from your peers to analyze in your personal assignment response. For your personal assignment this week;
Write a 1-2 page summary on your analysis of the discussion comments and how you believe this content has increased your ethical self-awareness. Please include alternatives, analysis, application, and action.
The assignment should be submitted as a Word document and APA format is required. The title page and reference page are not counted in the 1-2 page requirement.