Computer Science Homework Help

Governors State University Multithreading in Java Computer Science Research Paper


Research paper.

Research Paper Spring 2021


Write a paper that discusses an Advanced Java feature from the following list:

  • Multithreading
  • Generics
  • Collections Framework
  • JDBC
  • Networking
  • Concurrency
  • Stream API
  • Java Swing
  • Java FX
  • Java Persistence API
  • Java Servlets
  • Lambda Expressions
  1. Discuss the capability that the feature provides.
  2. Discuss what the benefits are to using the feature.
  3. Discuss how it is used: include one or more coding example(s).o These can be sections of code, or, small classes or methods to support your discussion.
  4. Explain any negative impacts to using the feature.
  5. Point out pitfalls to be avoided when using the feature.

The paper must be 3 to 5 pages of written discussion that follow the APA writing style (not including any coding examples). Be sure to include the title and bibliography page.

The paper should not include excessive copy and pasting, I am looking for your own words.

The paper is due by end of day Monday May 3, 2021.