Computer Science Homework Help

FC Skills Advertisement on Linked in For Executive Marketing Manager Analysis


  1. Open the start file [First             Name.LastName]-WD2019-ChallengeYourself-1-3. The file has been automatically           renamed to include your name. Only change the project file name if directed to do so. If the document opens in Protected view, click the Enable Editing           button in the Message Bar at the top of the document so you can modify the document. 
  2. If necessary, change the zoom level to view the document at 100% magnification. 
  3. Select the name Suarez from the address block and copy it to the           Clipboard. 
  4. Place the cursor after Dear Ms. in the salutation. Paste the copied text using           the Keep Text Only paste 
  5. option. Add a colon after the name. 
  6. Place the cursor at the end of the first paragraph (after the text marketing             manager position.) Press the Spacebar one time and type the           following text:
    After reviewing the job description, I am certain that my             marketing expertise is a perfect match for this position with your organization. 
  7. Add , including: at the end of the second paragraph, beginning with I am             certain
  8. Remove the typing using the Undo command.
  9. Re-apply the typing using the Redo command.
  10. Select the word urgently in the last paragraph of the document and           delete it. 
  11. Use the Find command to locate all instances of the word           skills in the document 
  12. Use the Replace command to replace the third instance of the word           skills with the word experience
  13. Use the Cut and Paste commands to move the first bullet point in the           list, the one beginning with Extensive proficiency, so it appears below the           bullet point beginning with Ability to think
  14. Copy the last name Smith from the address block. 
  15. Place the cursor after the name Jessica at the bottom of the document. Paste the copied           text using the Keep Text Only paste option. 
  16. Check spelling and grammar in the letter. 
    1. Ignore the misspelling of the word Streecker in the address block             
    2. Correct the misspelling of the word dicuss in the first sentence               of the last paragraph. 
    3. Correct the grammar mistake you’re in the third sentence of the               last paragraph.