Computer Science Homework Help

New England College of Business and Finance Week 4 Pay Structures Questions


Also, provide a
graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

  1. Lawyers are changing their
    pay structures. It used to be that they would bill hourly (top dollar for
    top lawyers, less experienced helpers had cheaper rates). Now they’re
    beginning to price like consultants—per project. Thus they must begin
    assessing the value-added to the client firm of the legal expertise and
    assistance. What advice would you give a law firm to proceed fairly and
  2. Go online and compare three
    franchises (e.g.,,, or Choose two franchises in the same industry (e.g.,
    fast food) and the third franchise from another industry (e.g., hair
    cutting). Make a table to report the fee structures (upfront, continued
    licensing), as well as benefits touted for franchisees of each franchise
    system. What would tempt you to pitch in with some friends and buy a
    franchise when you finish your degree?

Need Primary post – 450+ words. (mention reference as well)

Once you send primary post. I will attach 2 secondary post (you can take more time for this) which you need to provide reply’s with 250 to 300 words