Computer Science Homework Help

Intercultural Communication in Organizations Discussions


Course: Leadership & change in Org

Recall a recent decision that you had difficulty making. How did you diagnose and solve the challenge? Were the consequences good, bad, or both? Should you, and could you, have done anything differently in making the decision? Based on what you have learned so far, what changes would you make and why?

  • Your initial response to the discussion question should be 250 words. You must have at least one course (our text) and one non-course scholarly/peer reviewed source in your initial posting. Sources require in-text citations and must be

incorporated into the body of the post in addition to a full APA citation at the end of the post.


Course: Organizational Comm for leaders

After reading Chapters 3 and 4 in your text and the additional resources in Week 2 Course Documents, share an experience that you have had with intercultural communication at work. What cultures were involved? Was there conflict? If so, what was it about? Were there communication difficulties? What role did perception and attribution play in your encounter? How could the situation have been improved? What were the most interesting and helpful aspects you read about in either our text and/or in the additional resources this week in terms of managing diversity?

Your initial response to the discussion question should be 250-300 words. You must have at least one course (our text) and one non-course scholarly/peer reviewed source in your initial posting. Sources require in- text citations and must be incorporated into the body of the post in addition to a full APA citation at the end of the post.

NOTE : Please check attached files for the 3&4 chapters