Describe two current issues/challenges (based on scholarly literature) with the Medicare and Medicaid program

3 pages

Review the following articles that outline potential issues with the Medicare and Medicaid program:

AARP. (2017). Medicare, Medicaid and ACA. Retrieved from

Beckers Healthcare. (2013). 18 Recent Medicare, Medicaid Issues. Retrieved from

U.S. News. (2015). 5 Challenges Facing Medicaid at 50. Retrieved from

  1. Describe two current issues/challenges (based on scholarly literature) with the Medicare and Medicaid program and discuss the impact on health care delivery (2 issues/challenges per program; 4 issues/challenges total).
  2. Research and discuss both sides issues/challenges.
  3. Provide your opinion/argument, from a health care administrator perspective, on the current Medicaid and Medicare program with associated recommendations