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NYU Integrative Behavioral Health Care Discussion


Discussion post peer responses. 60 words each. APA format. 2 references needed and cited.

Peer # 1 Amber

Integrative behavioral health care is the notion of multiple systems coming together and integrating for the better of the patient. This type of integration thrives on a team-based care approach, which is ultimately more accessible to patients than other forms of care (Miller et al., 2014). This also requires relationship refinement, technical assistance, social support, and implementation management.

A behavioral health provider (BHP) is best prepared by understanding both the holistic approach to healing, as well as evidence-based practices, especially within a primary care setting. In addition, being culturally attuned to a patient can be one of the most effective ways to not only diagnose and understand but also tailor the healing process to him or her. In addition, a BHP performs at his or her best when the best intentions of the patient are in mind and personal opinions are set aside (Lowis et al., 2019). As a collaborative team, BHPs can implement strategies that not only set short-term goals but also implement successful long-term goals.

Lowis, M. M., Harrison, J., & Wiland, S. (2019). Becoming an evidence-based practitioner. Community Mental Health Journal, 55(1), 24–30.…

Miller, B. F., Brown Levey, S. M., Payne-Murphy, J. C., & Kwan, B. M. (2014). Outlining the scope of behavioral health practice in integrated primary care: Dispelling the myth of the one-trick mental health pony. Families, Systems, & Health, 32(3), 338–343.

Peer # 2 Bonnie

Hello Professor and Classmates,

Integrative healthcare involves patient-centered care which addresses the whole person making them the main focus of care. It involves a team of clinicians who come together to find the right healthcare plan of service for the patients care. Understanding the physical, behavioral, and social domains of health can help expose the root issues that are causing imbalances with the patients body. Individuals with behavioral health issues should get the care they need at a place that is specifically designed for them which helps prevent complications and other health conditions.

Whole person care is supported by integrated systems for training, payment, and care delivery dealing with physical, behavioral, and social health.

Primary healthcare is providing necessary healthcare needs universally to individuals and families in the community in close proximity to where they live or work. it is based solely on the needs of the total population and requires community and family participation. Providing mental health services in primary healthcare involves diagnosing and treating people with mental disorders and putting strategies into place that would help prevent these type of health disorders.

Peer #3 Krista

Integrative behavioral health care is the act of combining physical health and mental health care. “’Integrated behavioral health care’ can describe any situation in which behavioral health and medical providers work together. “( Primary care providers and behavioral health providers both identify health care needs in some regard, though behavioral health providers seek to meet the mental and emotional needs of the patient, while primary care providers work to meet the physical needs of the patient. A behavioral health provider within the primary care setting would work with the primary care provider to be sure that all of the patient’s needs are met in one setting instead of having to go to separate offices. The behavioral health provider in a mental health setting will have to be willing and able to listen to clients and help them work through the emotional needs in a positive way.


Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (n.d.) What Is Integrated Behavioral Health Care (IBHC)? | The Academy (