Health Medical Homework Help

HCA 440 Pima Medical Institute – Tucson Healthcare Discussion


Case Study:

You are the health care administrator for a busy free rural medical clinic in the mountains of Western North Carolina. This clinic serves a large number of indigent clients. One particular client that comes to the clinic is Myrtle. Myrtle has a number of health care issues and she routinely sees the nurse practitioner. Myrtle is a smoker and has been told by the nurse practitioner and physician that she needs to stop smoking because it is making her condition worse. Given the limited funding of the clinic, staff come to you and asks to discontinue providing free care to Myrtle due to her lack of compliance to care. The staff is concerned that Myrtle is using resources other clients need and due to her non-compliance, they believe these resources should be directed to other more needy and compliant clients.

For this discussion, imagine that you are the health care administrator for this clinic

1. In your first post:

• Describe your role (I am a Physical Therapist Assistant). Your description should be based on researching credible sources for information. Post the complete URL of any site where you find information (e.g.
• As the health care administrator, what is your decision regarding the staff’s recommendations and why?
• In your opinion, does everyone have a right to health care? Explain your position.
• Is there a more creative and reasonable solution to this issue with Myrtle? If so, describe your ideal resolution.

2. After posting your initial response, select posts by two classmates to respond to and offer your argument in opposition to their positions. Remember, it is important to support your position with sources that are credible.