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Post University Hazards in My Environment Discussion


identifying hazards is essential in any workplace and for your own personal safety. Learning how to methodically analyze hazards is difficult, as we all have differing levels of experience and our own blind spots about potential threats.

Watch the video under Resources related to identifying hazards. In your workplace, home, or public environment, sit for 10 minutes, and thoroughly analyze the hazards you identify.

For this DB, describe the environment you are analyzing, and then provide at least 3 hazards for each category: physical, chemical, biological, and other. Finally, prioritize the hazards from most to least dangerous, and then provide an overall description of why they are ranked this way. Remember, a hazard may not be dangerous if it is contained and you do not come into contact with it; however, if the hazard is improperly managed, it could become a major problem and hurt people.

at least 200 words count