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Drexel University Public Health HIV Prevention Program Article Reflection Paper



One goal of “Foundations of Public Health” is to introduce students to evaluating the peer-reviewed public health literature. Over the course of the semester, you will read qualitative and quantitative research articles and write a reflection paper on each.  For reflection #2, choose one of the three articles below to write about.


In your reflection paper, please address the following, paying particular attention to any structural biases, social inequities and racism present in each article that influence health: 

Provide a one paragraph summary of the article using your own words—its purpose, research question, methods/study design, and key findings. 

What parts of the article were confusing to you? Explain any new topics or methods or what you did not understand in the article.

How did this article inform your thinking on this topic?

What are some questions or ideas raised by the article that you would like to explore further?

  1. Who do you think should read this article and why?