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HCA 420 Pima Medical Institute Tucson Preventive Policing Discussion


Name of the class: Managing Emergency Response Operations

Welcome to Managing Emergency Response Operations class. Watch the video Preventive Policing before posting to this discussion.

  1. In your first post, respond to the following:
    • What are the consequences of attacking a problem at the root?
    • Give three examples of what you can do to plan for and prevent the crises you might face.
  2. Post responses to at least two classmates.

Student 1:

Hi everyone,

I’m the coordinator for the Sterile Processing Department at a hospital in Montana. My supervisor is planning on retiring at the end of next year and has been training me to take over the department, hence why I am in this program.

By dealing with a problem at the root you are able to be proactive rather than reactive. This means that you can stop the problem either before it begins or before it escalates. In the example of preventative policing they were able to greatly reduce their costs for youth offenders and reinvest that money.

In my field there are two main crisis situations that we must plan for, catastrophic equipment failure and local disasters.

The equipment failure is a crisis because if we cannot sterilize instruments, everything in the OR stops. While we have multiples of most instrument sets a major equipment failure could mean having to cancel dozens to hundreds of surgeries depending on how long it took to fix the equipment. Ways to prevent this are to make sure that our engineering department keeps up on their regular preventative maintenance, reporting small issues as soon as their noticed, and buying new equipment when something is nearing the end of it’s life.

We also need to be prepared for local disasters, these can include everything from a flood or earthquake to a large car accident or mass shooting. For these types of disasters we have a system in place where once we are notified of the disaster, myself and the other coordinator being calling our team and organizing for them to head to the department. We set up not only the instruments for the OR, but also all of their disposable supplies so having more hands on deck means that we can get cases picked and instruments turned around faster. We have to be careful to spread out this extra help so that we don’t burn everyone out from the get go.

On a smaller scale, we keep stocked emergency carts for different emergent surgeries such as craniotomies and heart surgery. Having these carts cuts the time for us to get the OR everything they need in half or more. This time saved can make huge differences in the outcome for the patient.

While the equipment issues are the only ones that we can work to prevent, having these systems in place improves our response time and our ability to get the OR everything that they need in case of disaster.

Student 2:

  • What are the consequences of attacking a problem at the root?

The consequences of attacking a problem at the root could take more work, but the outcome could be a long term solution. In the video the long-term solution was getting more involved in the communtiy and building trust between the community and the police. With the ability to build that trust the community was able to rally behind the police and be willing to go to them when a problem arised. Sometimes when you attack the problem with force it can cause more problems and create other issues that could of been avoided if a different approach was taken.

  • Give three examples of what you can do to plan for and prevent the crises you might face.

1. If the root problem is a certain person in the office and you go to them in a postive manner instead of a negative postion can help the outcome be more positive.

2. Being prepared for certain crises can help have a postive outcome. For example, when COVID-19 hit the United States our dental office started stocking more items that were hard to get. We were able to keep the practice open because we had gloves and masks on hand. Being prepared helped us be able to serve our patients better.

3. Responding immediately before a crises, always telling the truth, accepting responsiblity, stopping rumors and correcting misinformation will help prevent crises and be able to help create a plan to avoid such crises.