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Process and Social Learning Model of Addiction Analysis Paper


Choose a model of addiction (disease model, genetic model, choice model, social model, or syndrome model). Describe the model, making sure to cite your sources in the APA style (6th or 7th edition). Then, review each of the processes commonly included in models of addiction and address how the model you chose does or does not integrate each process.

As a reminder, the processes are as follows:

  1. Cost-Benefit Analysis
  2. Incentive Sensationing
  3. Reward Seeking
  4. Attachment
  5. Drive Reduction
  6. Distress Avoidance
  7. Social Influence
  8. Impaired Control
  9. Classical Conditioning
  10. Operant Conditioning
  11. ……………(There’s no more #s after this point. Next section shows the rubric and how to follow to ensure the assignment is being done correctly)
  12. Rubric: Part I: Model of Addiction. Select a theory or model of addiction. Describe the theory in your own words. Cite your sources. (5 pts)
  13. Part 2: ProcessesEach process is worth 4.5 points.For each process, make sure you cover the following:
    1. Describe the process in your own words
    2. Whether or not the process is integrated into your theory or model of choice (yes or no)
    3. Why the process is or is not integrated into the model
    4. If applicable, how the process is integrated into the model (C and D will likely overlap)