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Mount Vernon Nazarene University Existence of God Discussion & Replies


Forum 1: The Existence of God

“More consequences for thought and action follow the affirmation or denial of God than from answering any other basic question.” (Mortimer Adler)

What do you think Adler means by this statement? What are the consequences of denying God’s existence?

Please use information from any relevant sources, as well as personal experiences and thinking as support for your views and response.

This assignment must be submitted by beginning of class session.

Please click on the “Add a new discussion topic” button below to post your initial, individual responses to these questions by no later than beginning of the week’s class. Your initial responses should be at least 200 words in length.

You must also respond to the initial posts of at least two of your classmates by no later than class time at the week’s session.  Responses made to the postings of your classmates should be at least 150 words in length.

This discussion forum question is worth a total of 30 points.


Barker, K. (Ed.). (2011). The NIV study Bible. Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing.

Varughese, A. (Ed.). (2006). Discovering the Bible. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press.

You must also respond to the initial posts of at least two of your classmates by no later than class time at the week‘s session. Responses made to the postings of your classmates should be at least 150 words in length.

FORUM 1: THE EXISTENCE OF GODby Virginia Newman – Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 5:33 PMNumber of replies: 1

I interrupt M. Adler’s statement to mean that an individual’s choice to believe or not believe there is a God has the most consequences for their thoughts and actions, therefore their life, than any other question one must answer. One’s entire life will be affected by this single decision. The consequences of this single decision will determine one’s quality of life as well as their eternal destination. One’s belief or disbelief of God’s existence impacts the answers to the rest of life’s questions. If one believes there is a God one’s thoughts and actions will reflect this and their life will display the results of trusting in God, and their eternal destination will be to live with Him forever. One that chooses to not believe there is a God, their life will display the results of not believing there is a God in their actions and thoughts and their eternal destination will be absent from God forever. Denying God’s existence will bring chaos, confusion, and depravity, one will forever be searching for something to fill the void. God brings order, peace, and contentment to those who believe in Him. Only God can fill the void in each human heart. One must make this decision very carefully due to the consequences that arise from this single decision.

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WEEK 1 DISCUSSIONby Kim White – Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 11:15 AMNumber of replies: 1

“More consequences for thought and action follow the affirmation or denial of God than from answering any other basic question.” (Mortimer Alder)

I believe that there are absolute consequences from affirming or denying our belief in God. I am a firm believer of Galatians 6:7-8, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” (New International Version) If a man lives his life as if there is no God, conducts himself, and makes decisions based on this belief, destruction is sure to follow. It does not always show up immediately, but it will show up. He may even gain everything he has ever wanted, but in the end, he will lose his soul. On the contrary, if a man lives his life in careful consideration of God and His Word, conducts himself, and makes decisions based on this belief, life is sure to follow. Again, it may not show up immediately, but it will always show up. Asking someone if they believe in God may seem as Alder stated, a basic question, but it is the most important question a person will ever contemplate.

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WEEK 1 DISCUSSIONby Paige Schmeltzer – Tuesday, June 29, 2021, 5:44 PMNumber of replies: 1

This question makes me think of something my husband talked to me about a month or two ago. He had a conversation with his supervisor on why things are the way they are in the world. His manager does not believe in God or any higher power. He does not view the creation of the world to have even been created the way modern science says it was. He believes things just are here and always have been. Which made my husband ask him why we are here and his manager said there is no “why” because there is no purpose.

This question that Adler asks is a very deep question and on many levels explains why people in the world act the way they do. They take what they want and do what they want like there are no consequences. This is because in their minds there are none. I believe that people lose their uniqueness in humanity when they do not believe in our creator. There is nothing special about us, we are just another animal on the earth. We as humans were created in God’s likeness, making us unique among all the rest of creation, and when you do not accept the creator, you deny the meaning behind humanity.

The second thing that you lose is purpose. We were created to bring glory to God and highlight his power among anything in the universe because he created it. When you do not accept God as the creator, you lose the purpose of being a human. There is no purpose to our existence.

The third and not the last thing that we lose when we do not accept the existence of God is we lose hope. There is nothing beyond this Earth and this life. We simply return to the Earth and we cease to exist. When you accept God, you have hope in something more and hope for more than what this Earth has to offer and hope for a more purposeful life.

The question Adler asks is a very deep question and there are many levels to this question. I believe the question speaks to the purpose and hope that there is in knowing and accepting God as our creator and savior. It speaks to our humanity and the loss of it when you do not accept God. It fills me with sorrow to think about the many in the world that does not acknowledge his existence. That so many will die and will not get to live for eternity in his presence.