Health Medical Homework Help

How Strength Training Impacts Anaerobic Metabolism Literature Review


Consider covering a physiological topic and how exercise impacts this area of the human body.

Topic(remember to look at the role of exercise on a certain system or function in the body):

How Strength Training (type of activity) impacts Anaerobic Metabolism (energy system)

For this assignment, you will submit a word document including a purpose statement, a full outline of your proposed literature review, as well as a complete, APA formatted reference page. The outline should include at a minimum, the subheadings and proposed material for each section (bullet lists of ideas are acceptable). Ten, primary research articles (data presented and peer-reviewed) will be required. Other resources from reputable places may be used as a supplement, but will not count towards the required 10.

The APUS Library has immense resources for this. Should you have questions about how to conduct a literature search please visit the writing center for ample instruction and ideas.

This assignment should include:

  1. Purpose statement
  2. Detailed outline