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Mount Vernon Nazarene University Use of Nursing Theories in Practice Discussion


just need help finalizing the last two assignments I had – the discussion post due by tomorrow and the theory paper due by tomorrow –  I included posts from other students and the questions on the other two assignments –


  1. Articulate and an understanding of nursing theory and apply to patient care situations.
  2. Compare/Contrast the MVNU Conceptual Framework to nursing models.

Today’s class will be an opportunity to interact with the material that has been studied so far. The goal is to give you a chance to articulate your understanding of nursing theory. Why should we have theory, how have the historical theorists contributed, and in what ways can we use the model theories to guide our nursing practice. These are the questions that you will ponder and write about today.

Question 1: Why should nurses use theory in practice? Substantiate your answer with information from the readings and/or from lecture/discussion in class.

Question 2: Select a historical figure (Nightingale, Benner, Henderson, Peplau, Weidenbach, or Abdellah). Explain how that theorist has contributed to moving nursing toward becoming a profession.

Question 3: Select a nursing theory model (Johnson, King, Rogers, Roy, Neuman, Levine, & Orem). Describe at least two specific concepts (key terms) to the model and how a nurse can provide nursing care using the model.

*Please be sure to include citations if you quote directly from the book.

We will also take a look at the MVNU Conceptual Framework that is posted in the resource folder for week 4.

Question 4: Compare the major metaparadigm definitions (person, environment, health and nursing) with those of a model theory from our discussion in week 2. The comparison should be eye opening as you look at differences in how theorists articulate their beliefs and values in nursing.