Health Medical Homework Help

Discussion about wellness in the media


Help me study for my Wellness class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Review the module resources and overview, then select a popular
culture example. (It can be a television show, a commercial, a game, a
movie, etc.) Analyze the representation and social message that is
associated with the example. If you like, you can select a particular
episode of a show.

In your initial post, briefly describe the popular culture example you selected and address the following:

  • Share a link and/or summarize your topic so that we all have enough
    information to understand your discussion even if we are unfamiliar with
    the example.
  • Discuss how your example relates to the concept of wellness as
    defined in this course and how it relates to specific challenges or
    supports of wellness.
  • What are the social implications of this message? Briefly discuss any potential social impact or response to the example.