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West Coast University Competency End of Life Care Discussion Questions


End-of-Life Care    

  1. Identify factors that may affect patient and family beliefs regarding end-of-life care.
  2. Discuss ethical considerations in end-of-life care.
  3. Discuss patient and family counseling and education strategies related to end-of-life care.


E. L. is  an 88-year-old widow who has advanced dementia. She is a retired  secretary and is cared for in the home of her divorced daughter, who is  her power of attorney for health affairs. E. L. requires assistance with  all activities of daily living. She spends most of the day sitting in  her orthopedic recliner (she has had bilateral hip replacements) or  lying in bed. She does not speak or acknowledge the presence of others.  Recently, E. L. has stopped eating all meals except for small banana  slices. She resists a spoon when it is brought to her mouth, and she  pockets food in her cheeks without swallowing. E. L. was admitted to the  hospital several months ago for influenza and bilateral pneumonia. She  was treated in the intensive care unit for three days and then sent  home. The possibility of a feeding tube insertion was discussed during  her hospitalization. E. L.’s daughter is seeking guidance on artificial  nutrition and hydration.