Humanities Homework Help

Howard University Information About Marketing as A Profession Essay


  1. What are the entry-level requirements?

– About how much will it cost in time and money to fulfill those requirements? (tuition, living expenses, books and materials, internship, etc.)

– How long will it take you to earn the cost of fulfilling those requirements?

– How has the number of jobs in this profession changed in the last 50 or 25 years? (Source required).

– How is the number of posts expected to change in the next 20 years? – How competitive is this field?
– Does this field have a career ladder?

– Briefly describe the progression in this field from entry-level to retirement. (source required).

– How are earnings distributed in this profession? For example, a few lawyers make very high earnings, most lawyers make moderate earnings, and many people with law degrees work in other fields entirely. Most professional associations publish yearly reports of earnings in their professions.…

– When do the earning 1) slow and 2) peak. (Many salaried positions have substantial percentage growth of earnings in the early years. This growth slows in their middle years, and may be equal to or less than inflation in later years).…

– Does this profession show an increase or decrease in autonomy?

Many semi-professions are claiming professional standing, while other professionals such as doctors and lawyers are losing the independence that they once had. The loss of autonomy blurs the distinction between professions and semi-professions. What do you see as the future for your profession?

– How does this profession compare with other professions having similar entry requirements?

– How has your concept of this profession changed as a result of this assignment?
A useful starting reference is

  1. What are the major technological and organizational factors that affect this profession?

– What form will creative destruction take? You may want to review the postings from last week.

  1. List three costs and three benefits of professional licensure in the profession you have chosen.

If your chosen profession does not have licensure, how would licensure change the profession?

Part II. Managers

Discuss all of the following:

Several organizations and publications focus on entrepreneurs and business people of certain racial, ethnic or gender groups (Black Enterprise Magazine, National Association of Women Business Owners, etc.)

Examine the websites for at least three of these organizations and publications.

  1. What advice or information is given that would generally apply to everyone?
  2. What advice or information is provided that would apply only to members of a specific racial, ethnic, or gender group?
  3. America was once famous as the land of opportunity. Based on your review of these websites, how is opportunity changing over time? What reasons do the organizations/publications give for this change?
  4. One popular theory states people will be happy and satisfied when times are good.

When times are hard, and people’s standard of living is in danger, people will be discontented and will engage in deviant behavior.

Another popular theory states that when people’s standard of living is improving, people’s expectations will rise even faster, with the result that there will be increased unrest in times of social change – even when that change is beneficial.

On the other hand, when times are bad, people concentrate on keeping what they have and tend to become conservative. They and will try to maintain the status quo even when change might be beneficial.

Which theory do the web sites you have chosen seem to support?

Based on your personal experience and research, which would you support?

(Note: this last question is designed to help you think critically, presenting both sides of an issue and then present your conclusion).

  1. What did you learn