Humanities Homework Help

San Diego State University Reflection on the Nature of Questioning based on Zarighalam Opinion


Learning Goal: I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Length: 900-1000 words– to be evaluated with a rubric

Format: Standard MLA format with a heading on the left side of the paper:

Your Name

Supervisor Name (Teacher name)

Course Name (Eng 1113)

Due Date

Include a title.

To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. On the course site, scroll down to the ACADEMIC WRITING module. Click on the link “To Groom Better Scientists, Harness the Power of Narrative” BY MARYAM ZARINGHALAM. Read the full article and the short author biography at the end. You don’t have to be a scientist or scientist in training to ponder her thesis. This will be your reflection on the topic.

2. When you have finished, answer the following question (which will itself be a reflection on the nature of questioning) in an essay of 900-1000 words.

What is the thesis (main point) of this opinion piece? What does the author think of as the key to asking solid, meaningful questions? Give a few examples from the article to support your answer. What about your own experiences? What was an early question you asked in school? What was the occasion or lesson? Were you encouraged to question the received answer or were you told to accept it as authoritative? Did this shape your attitude toward education?

Submit your answer, as a Microsoft Word document, to the submission area called How Do You Find Your Question?

Here is the link to the article:…


Include one in-text citation for every body paragraph

No plagiarism & No Course Hero

Please be sure to include an introduction with a clear thesis statement and conclusion