Humanities Homework Help

UCLA The Killing of Emmet Till & the African American Racial Struggle Discussion


Please watch the video titled The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till and follow these instructions below

Reflection papers are to be 2 full to 3- full pages (no more, no less), typed double-spaced, a bibliography is NOT required for this paper, footnotes are; font is 12 point Times New Roman. DO NOT simply provide a review of the materials and videos—as we know what they are about; rather, reflection papers should speak to what is important about the texts and videos attached, as well as the significance and connection (or the implication) of the material covered to the film The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till–or, more simply put, place everything into conversation by connecting them. I HAVE ATTACHED TWO VIDEOS AND A POWERPOINT. PLEASE WATCH The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till AND RELATE IT TO THE OTHER VIDEO AND POWER POINT NOTES