Humanities Homework Help

University of New Hampshire Theater High Noon Film Review


Film list:Inherit the Wind

All the President’s Men

Citizen Kane

Wag the Dog




High Noon

Absence of Malice

Shattered Glass

True Story

Veronica Guerin

The BangBang Club

The Post

This Film is Not Yet Rated (documentary)

The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (documentary)

A Fragile Trust (documentary)

Barbershop Punk (documentary)

PressPausePlay (documentary)

Miss Representation (documentary)

The Mask You Live In (documentary)

Fake Famous (documentary)

The Social Dilemma (documentary)

You are required to watch the film and then upload (under Extra Credit) a 2-3 page review/reflection (more than anything, your write-up must reflect you watched it and thought about it in terms of our course)