Humanities Homework Help

Ashford University Finding Meaning and Purpose in Life Paper


-The last year has been challenging, to say the least. We have experienced a major pandemic, a shift in politics, and continuous violence throughout the nation. One way or another, we are affected by physically, financially, or spiritually by what goes on around us. In landmark text, Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl explores the idea of how to find meaning as a means of survival amidst chaos. With this idea in mind, write a 3-4 page reflective essay in response to the question below:

According to your own perspective, how does one fine meaning and purpose in life amidst adversity and chaos? Explain.

-You will need to use textual evidence from Frankl’s book Man’s Search for Meaning AND ONE of the sources below to support your position.

Additional Sources:

Source #1: “Is a Happy Life Different from a Meaningful One?” By Jill Suttie and Jason Marsh

Source #2:15 Ways to Find Your Purpose of Life and Realize Your Meaning (Links to an external site.)” by Jeremy Sutton, Ph.D.

Source #3: TED TALK: “What makes a good life? Lessons from the longest study on happiness” (Links to an external site.) 

 by Robert Waldinger


  • The essay must be 3-4 pages (3 full pages minimum) in length. Essays that fall short of the 3-page minimum requirement will receive a 10% deduction.
  • You must reference at least 2 sources (see above) using proper MLA citation style. One source MUST be Man’s Search for Meaning.
  • Each body paragraph must include one quotation from from one of the two allowed sources.
  • Be sure to reference specific examples from your journey as a critical reader and thinker. It’s okay to use the personal pronoun “I”.
  • Be precise in your writing. Avoid vague generalizations or statements that leave leave your reader guessing.
  • The essay should adhere to MLA format (typed, double space, 12-point font, etc.).
  • The essay should have a thesis, strong topic sentences, and a conclusion. The thesis MUST answer the prompt question.
  • MLA format is required (name/professor/class/date, paragraphs indented, double space, right/left margins open, essay title)
  • A Works Cited list is required (last page of the draft).
  • The writer must demonstrate strong, grammatical sentences with little or no errors in punctuation and spelling.
  • A plagiarized paper receives a grade of zero. Don’t do it!

The final should be in document form (MS Word or PDF). Other formats are not allowed.