Humanities Homework Help

Blue Mountain College MI CBT Clinical Case Study


MI CBT Clinical Case

For this assignment, watch a video of the client. In addition to the video, provide some bare bones details about the client. Based on the information complete an assessment of the client and then develop a plan for treatment applying the concepts and tools covered in the ICBT guide.

Paper should be approximately 5-8 pages in length, not including completed ICBT forms.

APA format: Double-spaced, 1-inch margin. No references required.

We are going for quality, not quantity. Please take the time to review what you have written and edit it to be as succinct as possible. If you can address all aspects of the assignment in less than 5 pages you will not lose points. However, papers will lose points if the narrative lacks direction or is unnecessarily redundant.

  • Assessment section
  • Application section (approximately 1-2 pages – not including completed forms

The video and supplementary information you receive provides crucial background information about your client and their life circumstances. Based on this information, develop a comprehensive assessment of the client including the following:

Please note: Tasks 1-3 can be written up as a narrative paragraph or two OR as a bulleted list or form with headings for each of the main content areas to be covered.

  • A biopsychosocial assessment (approximately 1-2 pages): Write up the essential details of the case including reason(s) for starting therapy, pertinent history of mental health and substance use issues, basic demographic information (age, gender, sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, employment status, housing situation, health status, prior mental health, or substance use treatment, etc.)
  • Life Movie form (approximately 1-2 pages): Focusing on the six domains of the Life Movie – write up what you imagine the client would say about their family of origin, significant relationships, work or school, passion activities, health, and spirituality.
  • Change plan and case conceptualization (approximately 1-2 pages): Develop a change plan based on the biopsychosocial assessment and the Life Movie. Using all three resources (biopsychosocial, life movie, and change plan) offer a case conceptualization from an ICBT perspective of what you imagine your work with this client would focus on. The case conceptualization should include a discussion of the origin of the target problems/issues using a CBT lens and a summary of the pertinent history and precipitating factors concerning the presenting problem/issue.
  • Clinician reflections (approximately 1-2 pages): Please answer the following questions.

The assessment should also include a section on client strengths, issues/concerns, and the nature of the referral for treatment or care.

• What would be the most challenging aspects of working with this client for you and how you would try to address them (this should include a reflection of how your own identity and social location might impact your work together)?

• How would you work to build trust and rapport with the client

• Identify 1-2 goals you would have for yourself as you work with this client

Grading Rubric: Assessment section (present in diagram)

Each section is worth a maximum of 3 points: Your Score

  • Addressed all components of the assignment ___ / 3
  • Behaviors and cognitions are identified and assessed ___ / 3
  • Change plan identifies clear and measurable goals ___ / 3
  • Assessments and reflections are well written ___ / 3
  • Assessments fit the nature of the case ___ / 3


TOTAL SCORE: ___ / 15 Scoring guidelines:

3 pts = excellent, 2.4 pt. = good/fair

  • Based on class discussions, readings, and assignments list at least 3 MI and CBT methods you would use in session with this client (e.g.- MI ruler, OARS, Cognitive Restructuring, Downward Arrow).
  • Be specific about how you would implement it and for what purpose.
  • Identify at least 3 ICBT activities and in-between work you would give to the client.
  • Be specific about how you would introduce the activity, what rationale you would give to the client, and what your goal as the therapist would be for assigning the activity or homework.


  • Sample dialogue for your use of the three MI or CBT methods.
  • Include sample dialogue for how you would introduce and provide rationale to the client for the activities.
  • A discussion of what worries or concerns you might have when addressing the session topic with the client and how you would address it.
  • *Please include the completed session specific forms/handouts at the end of this section of the paper or as appendix items.

Grading Rubric: Assessment Section (present in diagram)

Each section is worth a maximum of 2 points: Your Score

  • Addressed all components of the assignment ___ / 3
  • Session agenda/outline fits the model as defined by the ICBT guide ___ / 3
  • In-session and between-session tasks are clearly articulated and appropriate for the client based on the case write up ___ / 3
  • Session specific forms are thoughtfully completed ___ / 3
  • Discussion of clinician worries/concerns is well thought out and clearly written ___ / 3

TOTAL SCORE: ___ / 15

Scoring guidelines: 3 pts = excellent, 2.4 pt. = good/fair



Office visit associated with STD

Age Range: 18 to 24

Substance Dependence and Abuse



CASE SUMMARY -Video Demonstrating Functional Analysis:

This 20-year-old woman left home at the age of 16 because of physical and sexual abuse she suffered from her stepfather. Since leaving home she has connected with a drug supplier, and she have been using and selling drugs, including Oxycontin, some crack cocaine and Ecstasy to people in the neighborhood. She has an iPhone and a long list of clients and transaction dates which she keeps well organized. She drinks about a pint of vodka per day, usually starting in the late afternoon. She uses “Oxy” and cocaine to party. She comes back to her apartment at about 3 am each night and then sleep until 2 pm or so. However, sometimes she wakes up in strange places, and she has no memory of what happened. Last week her clothes were ripped, and she found herself in an abandoned home, and she felt that she had been raped. She went to the Emergency Room, but could not provide a history of the event, so she decided to leave without being seen. She now comes to the Women’s Center to be seen, because she is worried that she has an STD. Alexi is interviewed by a clinician following her intake.

AUDIT Score: 32 – Level 4 – Dependent Level

1. How often do you have a drink containing alcohol? Near daily

2. How many drinks containing alcohol do you have on a typical day when you are drinking? 10-12

3. How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion? Near daily

4. How often during the last year have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started? Never

5. How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of drinking? Never

6. How often during the last year have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session? Few Times

7. How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking? Just now, Getting drunk and raped.

8. How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because of your drinking? Monthly

9. Have you or someone else been injured because of your drinking? Yes

10. Has a relative, friend, doctor, or other health care worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down? Yes – Doctor, all the time.

DAST Score: 8 – Level 4 – Dependent Level

Which recreational drugs you have used in the past year? Cannabis, Narcotics

1. Have you used drugs other than those required for medical reasons? Yes

2. Do you abuse more than one drug at a time? Yes. sometimes Oxy and weed.

3. Are you unable to stop using drugs when you want to? Yes

4. Have you ever had blackouts or flashbacks because of drug use? Drugs No, Drinking Yes

5. Do you ever feel bad or guilty about your drug use? Yes

6. Does your spouse (or parents) ever complain about your involvement with drugs? Who knows

7. Have you neglected your family because of your use of drugs? What family

8. Have you engaged in illegal activities to obtain drugs? Yes

9. Have you ever experienced withdrawal symptoms (felt sick) when you stopped taking drugs? Yes – a little after a hard night partying.

10. Have you had medical problems because of your drug use (e.g., memory loss, hepatitis, convulsions, bleeding)? No