Humanities Homework Help

Erik Erikson and Paulo Freire Stages of Development Paper & Presentation


Hello there, I need help writing a lesson plan focusing on 8-Stages of Development from Erik Erikson, and Paulo Freire.

I also want a PowerPoint because I still have to present my lesson plan.

The lesson should include all of these as well an introduction, middle , and conclusion:

Focus of the lesson:

Learning Objectives:

California State Standard:


Planned Sequence of teaching the lesson:

Powerpoint should be also about the8-Stages of Development from Erik Erikson, and Paulo Freire and should include some of these:

Showing Images (i.e. paintings, photography, comics, visuals of sculptures, etc)

Showing Videos (i.e. interviews, tv show clips, film clips, documentaries, etc)

Short warm-up Exercises (i.e. ice breakers, embodied movement, showing a Ted Talk and sharing about it, quick collages from magazine cut outs, etc)

Hands-On Activities (i.e. drawings, storyboards, stop-motion animation, audio-visual collages, etc)

Creative Writing (i.e. inventing font/typography, writing short stories, writing for storyboards, word collage, etc)

Discussion, conversation, questions, sharing what others have made by being in your lesson, etc