Humanities Homework Help

Born in Flames Film Discussion


I’m working on a Film exercise and need support.

PLS WATCH THE MOVIE BORN IN FLAMES, Lizzie Borden, 1983 USA (Kanopy)

*Content warning, this film contains a scene of sexual assault during the day on a city street from 08:45-10:15 minutes. It includes themes of violence during uprisings and police brutality. 


How would you categorize Born in Flames within a specific genre/s? Is the film legible or identifiable within a specific genre? What might have been the significance behind the film’s “illegibility” when it was released? 

if you could please review the previous homework i assigned you please follow that style of writing i mentioned previously when answering this question i need you to write two paragraphs the first paragraph answering the questions and the second paragraph replying to my classmate’s response to the question, here is my classmate’s response to the question that i need you to reply to: “I would categorize Born in Flames as almost a mockumentary. Both its filming style, particularly with the camera work, and the way each character is introduced create a feeling of realism that appears to be documented. With the narration by the men, the lack of a real structure or plan for the film, and the way we appear to almost be intruding on discussions, the film feels like it’s all happening in real time. The “illegibility” of the film comes with way it skews the traditional narrative format for fast-paced and quick cuts. Since the meaning and message of the film is not straightforward, it’s a difficult film to read, almost experimental.”